All characters deleted

Hi, I have the game on pc and also switch. I have the account linked for cross progression. I was playing on my switch when I went afk and had to wake my switch from sleep mode. It had to reconnect to the battle net servers and now all of my characters are gone. I tried switching from off-line to online, relaunching, restarting and also tried disconnecting the account link and then re linking my switch and my characters are still gone. I haven’t checked on PC yet, but I really hope I haven’t lost them there too!

I was hoping it was a quick fix and now I see there’s hundreds of others in the same boat as me and now I’m worried. I feel like I should have never started using the cross progression if my chars are going to be gone from pc too :’(

Please find a fix devs or a way to restore our characters

Sorry to hear about your character loss. You might be lucky and get them back after the server update… though if they are not there after that… don’t count on getting them back. Here is what blizzard told me in regards to missing items and characters.