All Characters Deleted

How has blizzard not fixed the servers or crashes? I wish they would allow people to host private servers at least since they cant. I would pay like 5 bucks a month for stable servers to anyone but Blizzard.

Same for me, all online characters are gone after the game bug.

same all my chars are gone again WTF

YUP Just lost 2 level 75s after a horrible weekend. Hoped to play with my boyfriend only to realize I need to grind again… FIX PLEASE

the same all chars gone… Why? yesterday evening all was good

yup same story. lvl 81 sorc, 32 barb, and lvl 2 amazon gone.

too many people on the servers again as i thought
but thats a little weird

all my characters are also gone.

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lvl 86 sorc, VIPERM, OCCY, TAL AMMY, CHANCIES… everything just gone!!! we need a ROLLBACK to a SAVE and EXIT option… why even have it in the game if it doesnt have everything BACKLOGGED… so stupid not to have that implemented in the game. Its essential at this point!!!

Same- I had a level 87 full Tals sorc and lvl88 hammerdin with fully geared minus enigma.

I am pissed. They better be restored.

I had this happen yesterday and then my character came back. It just happened again. Im sure the problem will be rectified, we just have to be patient. At the same time, I certainly hope they get the bug resolved sooner than later. Its will be pretty annoying if this becomes a pattern.

all my characters are also gone.

Another one here! I lost my character! Why?

Same here. All my chars are missing

Same issue for me. I played last time on FRI 08-Oktober. Now i logged in and no char available (online) :frowning:

we just have to wait some emergency maintenance as yesterday

Again… I left the server to rest a few hours and when I went back seemed everything was fine but lost some progress, Nilathak, Ancients and Baal Quest, also the xp and loot… but I thought to my self “Better that than your 60+ characters, right?” Oh boy I was so wrong… welp, it is what it is… lets hope they fix this before ladders start coming… or maybe this is a new game mode, you considered hardcore to be a walk-in-the-park, punk? Well… what about this!!! Now! For not good reason and in a totally unpredictable way your characters and all progress could be erased… also, Baal itself will come and knock to your door, just to inmediately hide and prank you.


i may play only 10mins before BIGBUG

My characters came back. three times. just be patient. yes it sucks but its because the servers are down your characters arent there

yeah but many cant have your luck
i hope theres not like that all weeks …