AITA or is everyone else

You do realize that if personal loot were a thing, people in groups would get less drops than they would playing solo? That is of course as long as they keep the same number of drops as there are now, but evenly divided amongst those in the game.

Yes, I do.

Same drops, but personal. Of course, drop chances would need to be adjusted.

The game is fine like it is. The people that play the game are the problem.

Diablo 2, the perfect game to determine who is greedy.


No, this is plain wrong.

The whole idea of Diablo is profit, of evolving into a stronger hero. You can’t blame players to be adaptable, to be opportunistic and to use given game mechanics to their advantage.

This is why there are bots, RMT-shops, split-mf, cheaters etc. It’s capitalism, baby!

Play any cooperative designed game, and you’ll see what I am saying. People behave different in those games.

Diablo is NOT designed as a PURE cooperative game. There are steps on your way, where it can help to play cooperative.

But as soon as people don’t NEED to play cooperative anymore, most of them stop doing so. This is not players’ fault. It’s game design.

What you said basically corresponds with what I said…

People are greedy.

I won’t argue that point.

All I am saying is, game mechanics could be changed to a more cooperative way of enjoying this game. For me, it’s a sad thing that we have the option of playing together, and most people prefer playing alone. And I stated reasons of why we are pushed on doing so.

When you mention other cooperative games where it “works”, those games have forced the player to be cooperative by invisible means… Personal loot is a good example. It robs the player of the chance, the choice of being generous.

No, it does not.

If you find, let’s say a BER rune in your personal drop, who robs you of the choice of giving it to someone?

The actual system is like you have to rob it in the first place to have ANY choice of doing what you want with it.

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Sure, you can give in Diablo 2. Fine… But other cooperative games where loot is account bound for example.

We are not talking about bound stuff, so this doesn’t lead anywhere. :slight_smile:

It’s a neverending argument. Lets agree to disagree and leave it there.

I’m just chit chatting while shopping Anya to hopefully get some Cruel throwing spears of Evisceration. :slight_smile:

While you’re not wrong really, there are plenty of people who don’t care about the loot or care about group dynamics and etiquette rather than going full deranged loot goblin mode. It’s a beautiful thing in chaos/baal games when the group kills the boss and you actually get to glance at the loot/items that drop instead of them all being auto spam pickup. And it does happen, too. It entirely depends on the actual people/players though. I also feel like once you get enough loot or have your own farming character(s), it becomes far less important and less likely to be a deranged loot goblin in public games. For example I’m playing bowazon right now and have no problem with being far away or not getting loot in groups; I don’t need it. But that’s only because I already did all my farming with Sorc.

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This. Honestly, there’s no logical argument against it IMO. It would solve other issues as well, like magic finders coming into a quest game and killing the bosses, etc. They do this because they want P8 drops.

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suprise suprise another cry thread

The typical argument against this is that fewer people would engage in multiplayer, which is perhaps a little bit true, but probably overblown.

So, what you’re telling me here, is that the primary reason we don’t have a nice QoL feature for players to enjoy WHENEVER they otherwise AREN’T grouping up… is specifically because withholding said QoL feature is the primary reason people ARE grouping up at all?


I would think the obvious reason to play with others, is that some people enjoying playing with others…


Yup. Main character syndrome is at an all time high.
Was just talking to a guy the other day…. He was so upset that someone hit his car and drove away….
And not even 5 minutes later was bragging about how many times he’s hit and run other people, and laughing about it :roll_eyes:

He is the very thing he hates about the world, and he couldn’t see it. Baffling.
How is it wrong when it happens to you, but funny when you do it to someone else? Lol.

Anyway, good on you for showing respect for others in game and treating them like people rather than NPCs getting in your way.

The self contradiction is strong in this one.

I don’t really worry about loot in multiplayer games for the most part.
It aslo seems like you have never used Telekinesis as a sorc.

There is no needed solution to anything you are discussing, nor is it on topic at all.

What does Telekinesis have to do with the discussion?

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It’s less about picking up potions or gold, and more about popping containers from a distance. Not having to walk to each container makes it so much faster. I’ve found decent gear telepopping chests in Durance of Hate. Just have to keep a decent load of keys on you.