ACT 5 Frenzy merc vs Pindleskin on p8 setting

Guess what is my mercenary using as single or two weapons:

He can farm Pindleskin on /players 8 setting while I can just stack MF.


Stack MF on the hunk too, than both is added when he kills stuff. Lawbringer is sexy against Pindle.

You think Lwabringer would be able to do what my merc did on /players 8? I dont think so.

Azurewrath with headstriker or oath?

Its double azurewrath.

since 2.4 fixed sanctuary undead ÄŹmg bonus, its really good against undeads.


Please do some tests with:

  1. Grief+Lawbringer
  2. Grief+Azurewrath
  3. Eth-uped-Headstriker+Lawbringer
  4. Eth-uped-Headstriker+Azurewrath
  5. Azurewrath+Lawbringer

I would love to observe it!

I didnt test headstrikes, but double azurerath looks stronger there than double grief or greif+azurewrath.

that is sooo slow… can think of like 20 builds that could do that better…

for the price of two azurewraths?

you’re actually gonna defend this like it’s efficient? :skull: :skull:

spare me.

Seems the Magic damage of Azurewrath doin the good work.

I expect Lawbringer decrep gets canceled by Taunt he casts? So its no longer viable?

I am confused as why dont Grief+azurewrath rule. 400 average damage Grief +500% undead damage from lvl 13 Sanctuary. Thats +2000 avg dmg added to Grief hand + 500 to azure hand.
2x Azurewraths give +900% undead damage. Thats +1000 avg dmg added to both hands.

Idk, everyone is using act 2 for 15+ years so i was excited about new options when farming pindle and azurwrath feels pretty strong now, think what you want about this.

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ignorance is bliss isn’t it…

And we think this is doo doo. And the reason why we’ve been using act 2 mercs for 15+ years.

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Show us the bilds then.

People complain just to complain.


And people post stuff just to post stuff, regardless of the quality or usefulness of the content.

And isn’t it ironic?
Don’t you think?

oh god i’m not a time waster like zax, i don’t go making videos no one needs to see just to prove that it can be done…

i could make so many dumb videos show casing all sorts of builds no one needs to see, but i’d rather not.

ok so you dont know 20 better bilds…

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lol… what are you even trying to prove. ROFL