ACT 5 Frenzy merc vs Pindleskin on p8 setting

You wher trying to say that you know 20 bilds, ther is more powerfull then what postet in op.
iam tryng to prove that you full of S—T
and you proved it.

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so true. sometimes i get the feeling that 90% of the people on the forums are male karens. every change is trash, pathetic, complete garbage. but no analysis why it is bad given

if you don’t think there’s 20 builds out there more efficient than watching a really slow merc kill things i don’t know what to say…

then shut up. no one cares for your BS either

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oh look we got another one ! oh boy ! give me another lecture daddy.

I’m looking forward to trying out Headstriker + Lawbringer, tons of damage from Headstriker cause of the way their damage is calculated with one-handed weapons and Decrepify from Lawbringer.

Decrep should proc frequently enough that it’ll keep Taunt overwritten most of the time, and Taunt is only single target anyways so it won’t be too annoying IMO.

id rather give you a lecture in real life. like dare to talk to me like that in a bar. see what happens. sometimes people need a good reality check

i know you dont know what to say. beause you dont know 20 bilds…

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oh you’re one of those tough guys … HAHAHAHAHAHAHA bet you’re super strong man… fighting is super cool still… grow TF up already. what are you 12? COME FIGHT ME. ROFL

What the hell has this turned into… this is HILARIOUS

Hmmmm Yeah I always forget about Azurewrath.:laughing:

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I was just trying to share something i found interesting. I didnt claim its best.

New Act 5 frenzy merc and fixed sanctuary on azurewrath for me sound as interesting choice. It could be really great in chaos sanctuary for example or other places mostly for characters with physical damage who would struggle against physical immune monsters as most of them is undead.


its a classic. that behavior survived thousand of years for a reason. and it will way longer than being a skinny keyboard warrior that only talks smack behind the screen.


Man imagine that whit a FoHdin. They’ll be wrecking CS.:sunglasses:

ah yes, because no one is in jail on assault charges after getting in a fight at the bar… totally, a good way to deal with your issues… again. GROW TF UP.

only little man children fight people when they get angry, it’s called controlling your emotions… seriously milox, use your brain.

but i’ll mute this thread so ya’ll can circle jerk over terrible builds

yeah, that what i was thinking about too :slight_smile:

And its quite cheap as azurewrath drops on hell mephisto and is not even that expensive.

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You could have used your brain too before starting to write :poop: sassy boy.

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ah, the troll tells other people to grow up. how serious can you take that?

only little man children fight people when they get angry,

go to a bar, when someone gets punched most of the time nothing happens. and i dont live in a third world country or so. at best the agressor gets thrown out.

but i’ll mute this thread so ya’ll can circle jerk over terrible builds

yeah yeah, come up with some excuse to not lose face when getting called out on your BS.

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I would never think this topic will be so funny reading, you destroyed him guys LMAO.

i got destroyed? how, i left this thread knowing i was talking to absolute baboons.

ROFL, take the high road with your craapy azurewrath build LOL. this is even funnier to me now

So you left or not sassy lips?