Account wiped after stuck on cain

Hey, i was trying to ID some items with cain and got stuck in the waiting text box so i alt + F4 out of the game and now all of my online characters are gone.

the servers are down, yr characters should be back once the servers are back up

hopefully they fix this soon


My characters are lost as well.
Lv 89, 83, 81 and a bunch of lv 1 stash characters.

ah okay, yeah hopefully they fix this issue soon. I think this is like the 4th time this happened.

So we are at what, 2-3 times a day of server down for hours and like 3 crashes to desktop per hour? lol. The old version ran better…

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wow… I hope you get your characters back… Some have lost them and never will get them back. Here is what blizz says about missing chars/items.