Accidental delete of character

hello all just puttin forward how easy it seems to be to be able to accidentally delete your character (mistaking it for exiting game/what have you). As iv just deleted my lvl 30 softcore druid from diablo 2 resurrected. I have a ticket in and hope for assistance in this matter and that not many other people will experience this :frowning:


I 100% did the same thing. The X should say ā€œDeleteā€ or ā€œDelete characterā€ I clicked the X thinking close game, are you sure? Of course I am sure I want to close the game! character deleted. Oh.


Ouch! I hope the devs can fix that for you.

i did aswell. Fix the freaking botten so you have to type delete like in wow


Same thing happened to me as well with a lvl 17 char. Lost several hours of progress, no way to undo deletion either. Whoever created the UI needs to rethink what he did.

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i delete my 49 lvl necroā€¦ can i get him back somehow?


Deleting characters should make you type delete in a confirm delete option.

Common sense.


WTF people? When you mouse over the ā€œXā€, a tooltip immediately pops up with ā€œDeleteā€. Also, how do you not notice that all the main game-related controls are on the left hand side, and all the character-related controls are on the right? And that there is a big Exit Diablo II button but you home in on a small X?

Not to mention the dialog box that pops up asking for confirmation. Like, you have to actually try to be that irresponsible to just blow through all that. And you blame Blizzard for your screwup?

I honestly did the same thing , just not even paying attention after putting a solid 15-20+ hours into my char . Like just finished Baal Nightmare and as were all saying our byes in Discord I accidently click the ā€œXā€ and then yes. And now reading that others have done the same . Like , obviously itā€™s an issue with the UI because there are others that followed the same pattern out of chance. But man , I like donā€™t even know what to say there has to be a way to get your character back if its THAT easy to pull that mistake. No body should have to experience that , Iā€™m considering not playing again like ā€¦and i have no idea how im going to explain that to my friends tomorrow. Like what a rude awakening and I hadnā€™t even touched Hell yet :frowning: . There has gotta be a way to bring them back , itā€™s way too easy to do that.


Hey guys,

I did the exact same thing lol. Was playing with my friend, thought I had to press X to leave his lobby. Was tired beyond recognition since we just got a baby who wont sleep at night. Finally got some me time so i ran through Act 1-3 and then just wanted to end for the night. Ended up deleting my characterā€¦ Appreciate all updates if u get a reply on your ticket.

Good luck guys!


I can promise you one thingā€¦your chars are gone for good.


i got a reply to my ticket.

ā€œas much as we would love to be able to, it is not possible to restore a deleted character in Diablo II: Resurrected. Customer Support cannot restore deleted characters.ā€

Mod feel free to close thread


Happened to me as well :frowning:

Did the exact same thing. Was talking to my girlfriend while i wanted to leave the game and accedentily deleted my 7-8 hours lvl 17 charā€¦

I did the same thing twiceā€¦

Sure should have been paying more attention. But after a long session of grinding the same thing over and over again your brain isnt exactly peaking.

The ux-designers should be relieved from their duties


i just did it aswell, lvl 62 sorc almost done in hell. had been doing like 20 mephisto runs and i wanted to close the game because the minimap bugged out overlapping old mapsā€¦ and yeahā€¦ clicked the red cross and clicked ok! xDā€¦ hope they can do somethingā€¦


Yes me too, I accidentally deleted my Pally at lvl 52ā€¦sucks

The X is right by create character, and I instinctively hit the Ok button.

Why in godā€™s name would the UI people put it right there? And not have a type ā€œDeleteā€ like in Wow.



That X button in the character selection screen is a jedi mind trick a lot of pepegaā€™s are falling for.

Please at least have a confirmation where you have to type out your characterā€™s name or type out ā€œdeleteā€


Same thing happened here! 68lvl paladin down the drain :frowning:
Was talking on discord and wasnt paying that much attention and tried to shut down the game thinking the big red X would do it and clicked OK. Hope blizzard would make it a bit more complex to delete character than just clickin OK onceā€¦


I play with a group of 5 old friends, and 2 people have accidentally deleted their characters.

This has been mentioned and suggested to change this mechanism since Beta and they still have not addressed it.

This is not some little game breaking bug or nuance, this one thing can cause several dozens or days of game play to be deleted. Arguably on the of the most important things to improve upon.

Either that or allow deleted characters to be brought back.