A quick PTR / 2.5 Update

Ah, that makes more sense :slight_smile:
Good question.

Agreed. Llama is super out of touch with the general d2 community. Not everyone spends their every waking hour playing this game. I think he was even suggesting nerfing the exp benefit of the TZ because he thought 99 would be reached too quicklyā€¦ :rofl:Give me a break. Even with the bonus it would be a challenge most will never complete. D2r devsā€¦pleaseā€¦ Donā€™t take what Mr.llama has to say as representative of what the rest of us want. We want gem/rune stashes (making them stackable even) more stash tabsā€¦hell,even infinite stash tabs. I have 10 mules and it feels clunky and frustrating.


The d2r dev are out of touch with the players base. Stacking runes/ gems, buffing bad builds, introducing new uniques, introducing more mid runewords, escaping from dependency from infinity, etc. You are just picking what you want not what we wantā€¦sad


Exactly what i stated above and more - Donā€™t forget Item Loot Filter being wanted since day 1 and blizzard devs will act like its hard to do when PD2 Etc have already done it in a pinch lmao


Also, who says this will even become available on non-ladder when s2 ends? Itā€™s not like new runewords that carry over. The ladder-only thing makes no sense at all.

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This describes the problem with PEOPLE and not the game. PEOPLE invent whatever ā€œmetaā€ their virginity-fueled minds conjure and the same ā€œhardcoreā€ virgins then group up, kicking anyone who does not comply out.

Thatā€™s why solo or friend play is preferable to many (if not most) players vs playing with randos. You donā€™t have to chase the Enigma, have perfect stats or play a ā€œmetaā€ if you play on your own (or with friends), for pleasure.

If someone finds that they have more fun playing the game with spreadsheets and chronometers nearby - power to them, but thatā€™s not how most people play. It shouldnā€™t matter how this group of ā€œeliteā€ virgins play D2R and it shouldnā€™t impact the game, considering theyā€™re the minority by all metrics.

Will cheaters / banned players be removed from the ladder standings?

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As a console player and someone who played the original diablo 2 on PC for 15 years plus, quality of life is WAY more important than ā€œnew contentā€ and I agree the terror zones IF they are staying should be hell only but again QoL updates would make me much happier. Canā€™t even communicate on console, itā€™s broken, you need to fix it, please.

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yeah, please make this stuff NL. I never bother with the ladder


Donā€™t think the devs left working on D2R are the best nor are in great quantity

Seriously all this time to make terror zoneā€¦ something that would have taken like a day or 2 for PD2 devs


Can we stop it with the ladder exclusivity?

I really donā€™t care to chase that 99 on some dumb score board. I have a life to live outside the game, so I play for pleasure, which means that Iā€™d like to keep finding cool items, trading and making and leveling more characters as I find/make build-enabling items for them. I understand that playing from scratch and ā€œfresh economyā€ are appealing to many, but obviously not to others. I play solo or with missis/friends, do a bit of trading and thatā€™s been a jolly good time since the game dropped last September. If anything - Iā€™d like a higher character limit, because Iā€™ve reached mine ages ago (various builds + mules).

Terror Zones sound fantastic to me. I donā€™t have the time or the patience to keep grinding Baal, nor do I have the urge to join random peopleā€™s games (outside of trading). Having a rotation of maps that have increased monster levels for exp/drops is MASSIVE for solo players and I canā€™t say that Iā€™m against it one bit, considering the alternatives.

Ideally - TZs and ladder runewords should appear in SP, while Iā€™d be ok with just the TZs making it to non-ladder. Ideally Iā€™d want the runewords in NL too, but letā€™s give the kids something to salivate over so they play the fresh game again, thatā€™s fine.

Obviously Iā€™m personally not bothered when the next season starts, but find it funny how others canā€™t wait a couple of weeks. Itā€™s obvious that whatever the next upgrades are (TZs being the major one) - it makes more sense to nail them and THEN do a season with it all working properly. Being utterly incapable of waiting a couple of weeks for a better experience is just ludicrous, thereā€™s no debating that, so those people can just be safely ignored. The game wonā€™t die because Joe Compulsive couldnā€™t get his same-as-before ladder fix 2-4 weeks earlier.

Hammerdins got a mention here as well. Smells like a potential nerf? Iā€™d be SUPER careful touching that, because while the hammer damage is relatively big - the vulnerability of being stationary for a long time casting (without the Enigma) and the pattern the hammers follow (truly annoying, cā€™monā€¦) make this build not as pleasurable to play as something more varied and mobile, like a javazon or a sorceress (IMO, anyway - and I love my pallys!).

To sum it up:

  1. TZs are fine and I welcome this new way for us filthy casuals to reach higher levels on our characters playing solo.
  2. I donā€™t feel like hammerdins need touching
  3. HIGHER CHARACTER LIMIT ON BNET (seriouslyā€¦ if youā€™re gonna force us to mule stuff because nothing stacks - increase that limit. Also the current limit isnā€™t really enough to cover the character+build variety and a couple of mules anyway)
  4. More SP and non-ladder content, please. Not everyone gives a toss about the ladder. TZs are a must for NL!
  5. Donā€™t sweat the S2 start time. Do it when itā€™s ready and proper. The nerds can wait.

blizzard is a small indy company witch canā€™t give to players even a ladder reset once every 4 month, iā€™m not talking about any really new content or desired QOL changes. Terror zones are joke in turms of ā€œdevoloping new contentā€ coz itā€™s not a new content itā€™s a joke and this joke hold us from getting S2 start coz even with that joke they canā€™t be in the schedule.

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SURELY you are patient enough to wait a little bit for a more exciting and better S2ā€¦ rightā€¦?
Throwing your toys out the pram yelling ā€œI want new ladder NOW NOW NOW!ā€ isnā€™t wise in this case.

If you want to grow your peepee and have a ā€œfresh startā€ - go start your own ā€œladderā€ in SP, see how hardcore it can get screwing around for a rune drop when you canā€™t trade :wink:

Totally agree that we could stop with the ladder exclusivity

But then there needs to be something attracting people to play ladder

What could it be?

Actually itā€™s pretty easy and already tough of

Multiple ladders

With these kind of activities you could have

  • a pvp leader board

  • a exp leaderboard

  • a bounty leaderboard

  • a super Unique hunting leaderboard (both quantity of kill and level of empowerment)

  • a circles of hell depth leaderboard

  • a % game clear leaderboard

Add Ssf to this and people care so much more about the integrity of those ladders

I dont like the idea of 45lifers and 451scs being more common in the future due to Terrorzones.
Also I dont like Terrorzones to be the new thing to reach 99.

Both these changes alter the game too much.

Easy solution
, cap Terrorized Areas at lvl87 and give other incentives like increased mf and drop rates

current playercount(x+2)
mf +100
25% chance for a shrine to spawn as superchest

thx bye

As much as I want the tz to bring something fresh, I agree. Iā€™d be fine pumping out another season and waiting for the update if need be. This can give the chance to sp and nl players getting tz too.

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Yeah Iā€™m also in the boat that this isnā€™t what was most requested or even needed. Currency tab and loot filter are the top two feature requests, and buffing unique items to actually be competitive with runeword is right there with it.

Donā€™t nerf one personā€™s fun just because someone else doesnā€™t like it. Boost the others to be effective and fun on their own. Also, this absolutely should be on non ladder as well.

My controversial opinion is to either remove or severely limit immunities. I think they were the start of build diversity being limited. Keep champions or elite enemies with the immunities if you must, but Iā€™m just not a fan. Of course, my first two points are far more relevant and important for me.

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Hey hey hey! I have kids now :angry:

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Imagine you could made runes and gems stacking + loot filter or at least rune and gg items notifications for s2 on time, then work on TZ, but u have to messed up as always!!! Like no one ask for top mentioned changes, but all and mrlllama ask for easier exp, just because he die like noob on cs and wasnā€™t 1stā€¦


i agree! iā€™ve got a fair few NL characters in the mid to low 90ā€™s from before ladder started and will gain a few more once season 2 starts (as iā€™m sure a lot of us will). Itā€™d be great if terror zones came to NL as iā€™d love to push towards getting a handful of these to 99 now that this feature makes it achievable.

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