A quick PTR / 2.5 Update

Imagine if they added the Mapping system from PD2 - It would be sold as a DLC and over hyped/paid ad streamers involved like its the next Generation of ARPG D2 lmao

This sure is a salty group. I like the terror zones, do they need some tweaking? Sure, but thatā€™s what the devs are working on. Maybe they can cap exp to Players X - something like Baal in the worldstone. Personally, I like 98% of all changes theyā€™ve made to this legend of a game. I wish this community showed a bit more love and less angry, overbearing hysterics.

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Itā€™s not the fact that TZs are the issue, its the Time Frame of how things are done. Im not sure if you know how things are done development wise - but they have working tool kit and sliders basically to change things. ( lets not forget diablo immortal took 4 months to change an icon of a Gem-literal still frame art- and acted like it was their idea how game changing visual )

This is how its gonna go
1 more week of w/e is on PTR now
1 more week of Hammerdin/magic mob immunes-types with density change / areas
1 more week possibly of ā€œfinal changes of the previous weeks additionsā€

Things are changed/compiled in the slowest manner possible compared to other Studios, almost as if any/all Changes have red tape each dev has to cut through because 1 hand is tied behind their back.

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Nopeā€¦ mapping doesnā€™t belong to D2

Leave it in mods and POe

The path took with terror zone is the right one, the only
Issue is that they stopped halfway

D2r endgame should be the existing game areas but scaled through players actions

  • clearing Monsters
  • killing super uniques
  • completing questions
  • cubing stuff to empower monsters

Mapping keeps the end game and the hunt alive and 100% more fun with friends against Hardened mobs with monster mods~

Instead we do split MF groups, never really do anything together outside of baal- little to no thought for group play outside of these things.

Stale endgame is the issue, TZs will be ok for the first week or 2, Then back to normal state of things. Single player / Non-Ladder should be the normal d2 ā€“ Seasons should have a theme/content such as D3 that switches things up instead of Burn out within a month.

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if the devs would read one single comment, it should be this one.

You seem to have reading or/and understanding issues

The same effect that you attribute to maps can be achieved without maps

Take my restless evil concept for instance, ofc you can do the first ones solo, but at one point monsters become so hard that party play becomes the perk you are talking about

The same concept apllies to all my concepts

Itā€™s maps without being maps and with player agency rather than fixed difficulty

VERY important detail here:

"Players found some of the TZ content to be easy but we also can determine what characters played on PTR who offered that specific feedback and we noticed a lot of this came from Hammerdin players. The team has some ideas on this and we will be sharing that soon. "

Please DO take your time. Postpone it AGAIN if you feel that this would be better. We are NOT in a rush; - D2 has been around for so long now, and we do NOT need any nonsense updates. Keep up the good work, do sensible updates, slowly but surely, looking forward to this going live.

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"I would expect this to be a Ladder S2 feature"

Why? Why not Non Ladder? Did I even understand what you just said? - Many prefer NL for a reason; - We like to play the characters that weā€™ve already poured all of that time into. Many donā€™t care about ladder at all. This is the way. - Yeah, I expect that youā€™ll likely enable this for NL later on, but thereā€™s no good reason not to quite simply push this one for both NL and Ladder at the same time. Thank you.


qol changes: lootfilter, currency tab in the stash, balancing on uniques, new-items,-runewords!
Always show the item lvl on items (important for high charms) another improvement would be always showing the areas
lvl (like on terrorized zones) but on every map. Other necessary improvements would be: charm inventory! (come on its a loot driven game and
I want to take stuff with me and not be blocked by charms, its a very bad experience on consoles because of the item management, pc as well^^)

that should be on the agendaā€¦ for terror zones you need 2-3 active zones in a 1 hour and 30 minutes cycle (for specific elemental builds). is it really so hard to listen? that is what the playerbase is interested inā€¦ you could even sell those stash tabs ^^ if this sounds better for you @blizzard


Character limit increase.


Agreed. Iā€™ll add that to my main post too. Mr. Llama is neither trained nor knowledgeable about game design or the needs of the playerbase. Heā€™s just a streamer, and nearly everyone that Iā€™ve seen mention him outside of his own streams considers him to be completely out of touch with the players.


This is the exact thing I was worried about with the first announcement of D2R. I was worried that they were going to start tweaking and changing things and end up removing the things that made the game fun.

If you nerf hammerdin, light sorc, javazon or any of the top tier endgame builds I will go back to single player pluggy the same day. It will be sad as a 20 year veteran that I have to leave these other positive changes behind. I fell in love with Diablo 2, Iā€™ve been playing Diablo 2 for 20 years, not some other game.

This isnā€™t to say that Iā€™m not in favor of changing things. I think the changes that have been done so far are just swell. I love new rune words, i think changes to uniques or some additional uniques would be great, and the class/skill adjustments were great. Iā€™m curiously optimistic about the terror zones as well. My only reservation is that builds are not nerfed in any way. Do you want people to play builds other than hammerdin? Improve other builds.


Since they have not announced anything else Ladder-specific I guess that TZ would not exist NL, unfortunately.
Where the promised new runewords for each season???
Why set items upgrades were Ladder-specific, even though they were not advertised as such?
Why loot to cube skill was for console only players?
Anyhow, main problem of D2R is shared loot and no p X command for offlineā€¦ Until those fixed and QOL features requested by community would added I have not much interest in their posts or useless changesā€¦

what sock me the most in this topic

is all account with only a few post talking like big expect , i`m guessing most of these user are from the last ban wave lmao :slight_smile:

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Yeah more stale endgame and burnout - Forget exploring new places to murder stuff with friends where you control the difficulty. yeah thats bad , maps so bad bro i agree. Classic D2 ANDY

im glad to see so many non ladder players like me telling blizzard how making TZ ladder only feature is something we dont want so i logged in to do the same.

i have 3 high lvl barbs online non ladder realm and i want to continue playing them and not be forced to start new character if i want to experience and enjoy new content so please give non ladder TZ also. I will be very disappointed if this will be ladder only


Boourns. I was really hoping to have this for non-ladder. Or did miss something?


Yeah I put off leveling a few of my characters higher to get into terror zones on NL, guess notā€¦

I liked the feature Terror Zone on the PTR as it is and want to have it in noLadder with only a minor tweak: no additional bonus experience from terrorised monsters. That they are about player level and thereby reducing the malus from large level differenses, is enough for me.

I just want this. This is a great feature.