A potential start - Helping the loot filter issue without building a loot filter

I had an idea I posted in another thread, but really want to hear what others would think of this. I think one way to help everyone with this loot clutter / filter problem, without actually implementing any kind of filter is this:

Let potions be like gold. They auto-pickup into your belt if you are very close and have an empty slot with the same type.

There are times, I’m sure we have all seen where an item will not show on your screen if too many items are present. A recent thread shows a video of a player where an Ohm rune in Travincal was almost completely missed, for example. Here > This is why we need a lootfilter!

Think of this - if you normally have a row of Healing, Mana, and Rejuv (or any mix) and can use a few of them, you would be able to clear up some screen clutter if you also see them on the ground. Also, this wouldn’t list any specific items, or cut out others from showing, and shouldn’t give an advantage based on rules per individual user.

There are definitely even some zones that make this a bit more of a problem, Maggot Lair, Travincal near the steps and in the small sections to right and left, Arcane Sanctuary, etc.!

What are your thoughts? Maybe even extend to scrolls if your tomes are < 20? That can be a different topic maybe…

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