A portion of older Diablo 2 players are very resistant to change, why?

The profound answer to your question was given more than two thousand years ago by the wise man of Ephesus: “for those who enter the same rivers, other and new waters flow”. Are you able to understand?

This is an echo chamber.

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You mean, being able to reset a quest without getting its rewards again ?

For 2 and 3, I think it’s more of an issue of debating how Terror Zones should work. In my case, I’d simply like an option to not have them scale (make them directly max level) with my character’s level. An option, not a change that is forced on players that do like the scaling. Other than that, I don’t have an issue with making them harder or looking into solutions to make them apply to more areas (I think the idea is to push players to play in different areas to reduce monotony, so that’s probably the main thing to keep in mind).

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You hit the nail with your first statement, nothing is perfect.

Why is it dumb to not set for good enough in a videogame? D2 is decated old and a we just got a remaster not a remake. I know always the same reasoning.

But hey, nothing is perfect but let’s improve until it is, while I already know it will never ever happen.
It’s not like I’m building a car or whatever.
The devs set the game to good enough. To me it’s good enough, a timeless masterpiece I will play over and over again. I know that I’m not the minority saying this.

Why simplify? It’s simple enough already. Just give me a button where I can reroll my crafted caster ammy lol.

Downgrade runes would actually be stupid since Higher rune ≠ More usefull and more expensive rune. Making a Jah out of a Cham or a Lo out of a Sur, it’s all about certain rune that all build will need more or less. Not every runword but still.

Dyes. I don’t know man, all these suggestions are modern stupid things that a old game like d2 does not need. We will end up like ff14 and don’t play the game anymore, instead we do fashion shows. Put a emerald in your white shako.

Item reskin. I see this already ending in monetisation.

Larzuk socketing cube recipe, charsie imbue cube recipe. We got this as questreward, so you basically would like to remove the meaning REWARD for that quest?

proper models for superuniques(ie:Treehead wood fist is now a Ent from act 3, Boneash is a Doomknight,etc)
I mean would not be something that effects the game at all and maybe not bad. I can just mention the A5 cain example.

no thx…

Of course yes, this is in the interests of a group of players, and it won’t change anything in the lives of others, so why not?

Although I don’t care for a lot of Anu/Sekscalibure’s ideas, most of which are in line with modern-Blizzard garbage, the removal of the gem requirement for upgrading runes is one I will agree with. In addition, I’d take it a step further and make it 2x runes across the board for upgrading.

It would help a bit with the storage problem.


The TZs can be enabled or not, they are a game option, right? So let’s leave the TZs to players who enjoy the concept of a terrified, but truly terrified, area. The current implementation of the concept of terrorized areas has failed, TZs are easy, you don’t truly experience the sensation they should cause, of fear, apprehension and mortal challenge, not in the endgame for which they were designed (since they can only be enabled after completing Hell mode).

No problem with that. Just, please choose another name for that. I don’t even think it has to be another system : you could just have an Act 1 NPC offer to reset completed quests (again, as long as you don’t get the important rewards again).

Put that way, thinking about the implications (the gem part is indeed more of a useless bother than an actual recipe restriction, and x2 for low level gems isn’t going to have an impact on high-end runes), I don’t have an issue with that suggestion.
A lot of the rest does seem to have a high impact, but that suggestion is fine.

The level scaling part of TZ isn’t optional. You either have no TZ, or TZ level based on your character’s level.
Basically, when you gain a level, the TZ gains a level too, which means my character hasn’t gained power compared to the TZ. If I can just have the TZ at max level from the start, sure, it’s harder at the beginning, but when my character gains a level it is strictly an improvement, not a weakening towards the TZ.

I am not going to fight you for wanting TZ to be harder. It doesn’t really matter to me how hard they are, my main complaint towards them lies elsewhere.

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I just want P8 to come to NL.

And if mosaic is gonna stay in the game, for it to be craftable in NL

I’m up for change but they should work only with what already is in the game. I’m still against new content like Act 6 or another runewords. I liked everything they did with D2R until Sunder Charms and Mosaic came.

Add currency tab, rework immunities, make uniques good, class balance to make others good not only sorc that means nerfing teleport.

I’d like to play a solid melee Barb from 0 for a change but I have to use caster items like Spirit and cry enemies to death instead. Overall I’d like more builds to be viable without specific gear. Currently I feel limited to 1 build per class if I start fresh and almost all of them are casters.

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Only after they create new expansion pack for Diablo 1 then it would make sense to create Act VI for d2r

Also what happens when you change to classic graphics in A6? Black screen?

Looks like you don’t know what you want after all. New act is voice acting and lore too, not only grind. If you want grind then it sounds like you want a new gameplay mode instead.

If your group is so dedicated you probably skip acts as fast as possible to reach endgame. You would complain that you have to do additional act every normal/nightmare/hell playthrough making leveling longer.

seems like you’ve already been fooled twice. bunch of idiots LOL. people like you are the SOLE reason they think d4 is doing well, they sold lots of copies. and i bet. 50-60% of everyone that played it doesn’t like it. and bought it just to try it… blizzard loves people like you.

i did not buy d4. they could only fool me once. but since they didn’t refund me d3 i just botted 60$ worth of gold. sold it, and called it even lol.

now do you really want the team that made d3 /d4 to make more acts… i don’t.

Because the gem requirement is dumb and impedes the process

Making it more straigthforward allows the runes to be a wealth storage

When I’m playing my mod I combine all my pairs which leads me to have like 1-2 runes that are the sum of my rune wealth

Do you even know how economics work mate…
If runes are less useful yet still in the same upgrade/downgrade path… they have value

your crappy Hr that’s worthless because no good runeword are made of it would be worth something because of its rarity

Who are you to tell other people that their way of playing the game isn’t valid?

Also all these mechanics already exist in the game and only need a cube recipe created to be done

All gameplay focussed… no mtx

It doesn’t make sense that you are fighting the Devil himself and they have the power to help you and only do it once in exchange of something

Also, rewards can be samples of a mechanic

And that mechanic in my mod is costly

That Horadric hammer is like 90 salvaged unique items

Which makes more sense to push people into playing the game rather than spamming new character and rushing them for no other purpose than the quest rewards

Kaelos you talk gibberish.

  1. We click through the voice acting without listening. Voice acting is fine for the first or second time through after that, along with the movie clips, they are clicked past. Doesn’t mean we don’t want an act 6 to have another place to farm or a fresh place to explore and die. Weve been playing the game for 20+ years in spite of the voice acting and not because of it.
  2. Maybe some do skip past some areas getting to hell level. But upon arriving, every area gets action with TZ zones and farming. The same would be true with Act 6.

instead of a new act I’d rather have a Game+
an extra difficulty accompanied with overhauled lacking game mechanics

something like once you killed baal hell
activities unlock

king of the hells: where like the den of evil, it counts the remaining monsters to be slain… but it’s game wide and the less there are the stronger they get
and upon this at certain % events happen

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Bring on an expansion and act 6. I played since beta. Change it all. But keep legacy and 1.14.

The concept of having 2 realms « Diablo 2 Legacy » and « Diablo 2 reincarnated »(improvements) has been suggested countless times and even before D2R actually launched
Yet all the times it was suggested a bunch of purists were putting all their basement dweller light into bashing the ideas because they knew that this would meant that they’d be alone on their realm

Now 3 years later they are alone in the game overall because the masses left because the masses want novelty

I think this is the answer to the ops question. The game is marketed as Diablo II resurrected in the English world.

There is a huge difference in resurrected and reincarnation. Resurrection is same person, same body. Reincarnation is same person, new body.

Why do you say this? Is that the translation in foreign countries?