A portion of older Diablo 2 players are very resistant to change, why?

A portion of Diablo 2 players seem to live in another time. They often forget that the game is a product, that the company benefits from selling this product and that to do so it is necessary to adapt the product to the demands of current and potential customers.
Many argue that it is possible to preserve the nature of the game by adding other elements that can make the game more attractive to today’s players, but resistance in many cases makes no point, it does not show any flexibility or willingness to innovate even if quite restricted.
The natural conclusion, not regarding the question asked, but from the company’s point of view, is one: no matter how good the product is, investing in it does not seem to be a good deal.

They are already beginning work on D5.

We have a private server setup for all your needs, lmk email will send info for flight details

There are those that would like to keep the game as it has been. The game was marketed as a remaster.

Bug smashing? QoL? Further character/skill balancing? Sure.

Other than that, the game should stay as it has been.

Players who like constant change have plenty of other games to choose from that deliver just that. Not sure why some are so insistent that this particular game must constantly change to please them while not caring about the players who would like it to largely stay the same.


No amount of changes to D2R is going to net any sort of profit for Blizzard. The adaptations could be good, but considering the people they previously left in change it is more likely to be awful, considering that the total sum of the things that they’ve changed are indeed worse.

In the end even if the changes were perfect, your thought behind it being financially successful is simply wrong. Even if it were a paid 10 dollar DLC, their lack of attention to this game has chased away a large portion of the fanbase so they’d probably wind up taking a loss on making those changes.

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A portion of young Diablo 2 players are very insistent to change a successful game that has a working MP and community while it’s over 2 decades old, why?


Older games like this tend to have a very conservative following, deeply rooted in keeping things at the status quo. As people age, a good portion of them tend to root themselves in routine and become deeply against change and try to recapture essences of their past and nostalgia of “better” times, like Al Bundy scoring 4 touchdowns at Polk High. Those that wouldn’t mind updates, also don’t trust current Blizzard to implement them, despite the original devs making mistakes too.

When D2R came out, there were a portion of players looking at D2R as a method of game preservation but in higher fidelity with some quality of life and arguing just what the definition of a remaster for a game meant. Another portion seen the opportunity for Blizzard to continue updating the game, bringing up the aspects of the game that have aged poorly or were not implemented well to begin with. Blizzard started on that process for the first couple of seasons, then support plummeted as the crunch for Diablo 4’s incoming release and first few seasons loomed. The lead dev of D2R leaving Blizzard didn’t help either.

Now is pretty much unknown. While most of us figure D2R is just on life support with resetting the ladder every so often with an occasional patch to allow younger Koreans to play, none of the Blizzard Diablo teams have said a word on the game outside of paying homage or relaying the next ladder reset.

The thing I find hilarious, is things that certain content creators fought against from the start in D2R, their recent videos on the last couple of reset announcements have been disappointed in nothing new and they now have been suggesting for in videos.

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The game has changed with D2R. Terror zones, new runewords, shared stash, balance patches, etc. There aren’t any other new changes because the members of the dev team have either been let go or moved on to other projects. Sales have slowed down to pretty much non-existent and there aren’t micro transactions to fund future changes. So, I would say whether or not the community wants more change, it probably isn’t coming.

Yeah hahaha they cried about game is perfect and nn to change then said Mosaic is fun and 100% chance from item is good idea LOL

D3 was upadated last time so Im sure they update D2R, question is about time and quality of this/these updates. Maybe they realize its good idea to fight PoE2 and release patch shortly before PoE2 release or maybe to promote D4 so before D4 exp1/2 or even before D5 announcement. Quality is another question; maybe they add another mosaic sh1t or fix melee, update rares, unique, crafts, bad skills and fix real D2R problems.

Do you have any specific examples? I mean, there has been a wide array of suggestions, varying from widely accepted to most likely troll. Without specifics, you could be complaining about the extremely few that would go against literally any change (or simply people trolling) just as much as you could be complaining about normal people opposing an absurd suggestion you made.

All that being said, this game has mostly been marketed to players nostalgic of Diablo 2, a community that has a very strong dislike of Diablo 3. But to make the game appeal to newer players, there is a high chance you would need to make changes that get the game a lot closer to Diablo 3. (I’d say Terror Zones’ level scaling is already a massive step in the wrong direction.) As such, it isn’t strange that there is a disconnect there.


Here is a specific: HOW ABOUT AN ACT VI.

Another act. Another new climate zone. New Monsters A new Boss.

SAME GAME. With a new place to explore and grind. Simple. Give the dedicated Diablo 2 res players what they want and deserve. Simple but effective. You dont even have to give new loot or new skills or new characters. Just a new Act please. Call it an expansion or call it an update whatever…dont call it a new game. I will buy it.

Dont keep making Diablo 3 over and over again. Give Diablo 2 an expansion. Simple and effective. It will sell and revitalize the game that made blizzard. You owe it to us.

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How about a new Act in an Area like the Dakota Badlands for example?

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There would not be many room for an Act 6 in the lore before Diablo Immorals story starts…

But adding 3 quests to Act 4, adding some QoL like a (not to crazy) currency tab, making several of the underutilized skills a bit more viable (hello poison dagger, hello inferno, hello several others) would be something I would pay money for.

And foremost rework several of the uniques now not useable by a margin.
Like here

See, that’s among the absurd requests that go on in the forums. They would have to recast the voice actors for the seven classes, plus any reoccurring NPC in that new act (typically Cain).
As for the boss of the act, since you’ve killed all 3 big baddies, plus 2 of the secondary cast, there’s no opponent that wouldn’t feel extremely contrived for that position.

That’s a way more doable scope there.
Hell, adding new classes is way more realistic than a new act.

I am sorry your imagination is so limited. Acy VI is what we want. We dont play for the voice actors. You just dont get it.


mann… that’s now how things work. either way, we’re not getting an act 6. so keep on talking like you have a good idea or something. holy hell the people here are special.

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Who is “we”? After +20 years i don’t

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By we… I mean my discord group of ACTIVE hardcore D2 ladder players. We play nearly everyday. We play for the grind and to tweak our end game gear. We level up our pals who die. We grind for better torches and annis. We play for the fun. Believe me. I say we would LOVE an ACT VI. It is what we want. We tried D3. We tried D4. Fool us twice. We know what we want.

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Nothing wrong with wanting… But the reality is the chance of getting what you want in this particular case is basically zero. (From Blizzard anyway)

Not trying to be mean or anything, just laying the truth on the line.

Multiplayer mods will eventually come to D2:R via hacking… (Just like they did with the OG) That will provide the escape from the norm that you’re looking for from this remaster of the 24 and counting year old game.

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I advocate some changes:

  1. Creation of two game modes: Adventure (this is exactly what we have today after completing the story in Hell mode) and History (to be able to redo the story of the game, many people like to rewatch a good movie, reread a good book , there are books that I have read and reread several times and there is always something interesting that I hadn’t noticed in previous readings).
  2. I owe an adjustment to the difficulty of the TZs (an increase in difficulty, without changing the loot or the current XP gain, I know that there are many people who feel very stimulated by the challenge, I am among them).
  3. I also advocate that TZs be expanded, taking place in more places at the same time, it’s very annoying to keep logging in and out of the game to do exactly the same thing in the same place, I know there are those who like it, particularly, that’s not my case , with more terrorized areas there would not be this problem.
    These are the main changes I advocate.

Because nothing is perfect

Only dumb people set for Good enough and don’t strive to improve when there is potential to improve

There are so many little changes I made in my mod that keep the feeling of the game and make it much more enjoyable … and don’t take much time or effort to make

  • rune & gem upgrade recipe simplification
  • rune &gem downgrade recipe
  • dyes
  • item reskin recipe
  • Larzuk socketing cube recipe
  • Charsie imbue cube recipe
  • proper models for superuniques(ie:Treehead wood fist is now a Ent from act 3, Boneash is a Doomknight,etc)

And some changes with more impact that make it better as well:

  • dismantling uniques to get ressources for multiple functions
  • unique/set upgrade that also improves the affixes of the item
  • crafting that has a chance to keep the affixes of the sacrificed item
  • synergy system rework to reduce the 1 skill focus
  • synergy system rework that works crossclass which makes Oskills not garbage
  • turn charges into Oskill or supercharge(500-1000charges and better lvl)
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