[2.4 Patch] Pvp is compromised - Fast Hit Recovery / Stun Issue



Pvpers would love a revert on the 2.4 mechanic!


Sorry, as there is no pvp function in the D2 franchise, there is nothing to fix.

Wanna pvp? Play a real game that actually has a pvp venue in it. Doubt you could make it there ā€¦ not enough hacks/exploits for you.

could you gtfo and stop spaming those topics ? You dont like PvP we got it. But why are you going out of your way to act like that toward pvpers ?

inferiority complex because you not good enough to do anything else than farming meph and andi 70 time a day i guessā€¦


ā€œNo pvp functionā€ but there is a hostile button and pvp only mechanics in the game.

He is just trolling.

Hope next patch can address our concerns somehow though, we have suggested many ways of nerfing it.

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This is late but your 100 percent correct after you mind blast or put them in fhr they have a 10 second imunitty to stuns or being put in fhr. So the new meta for pvp trap sins is to just setup traps and play like a auradin let the traps attack other people and play defensive. You dont even need 102 fcr any more 65 fcr is enough because your not chassing down anyone.

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We really hope blizzard sees the issue and fixes fhr so thousands of players who have played since d2 lod enjoy pvp again the way i was before.


The lack of stun is really killing pvp communities off, itā€™s so unfortunate. A lot of players would return, which would help both the pvp and pvm communities - more people to sell gg pvp items to.


Hey guys, i know this is off topic. I canā€™t find anywhere to make my own thread to find out, but i just purchased d2r right? But is says my transaction is ā€˜pendingā€™ even thou its taken my money out of my banking account and i canā€™t download or play the game? is this a normal occuring problem? if so, how long is the usual wait time before i can actually dl and play the game because this is rediculous! putting a transaction block on a 20+yo game is kinda cringe

Couldnā€™t tell you, maybe create a ticket? hope you can get on soon :slight_smile:

revert fhr changes please

please revert FHR changes

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Plz make d2r JUST LIKE diablo 2 LOD ā€¦pvp NEEDS those mechanics that were changed.
We asked for a remaster with nothing changed, and at first it was perfect. now its not what we asked for.

d2r needs D2 LOD classic fhr and wsg balance, fix fhr!

Please fix faster hit recovery to make the game great again ā€¦

Its not 10 s, its 10 frame (0.4 s). But yeah you are right otherwise, trapsin gameplay has been significantly worst because of 2.4

alot of builds got hit hard because of the changes in pvp, because those buidls relyed on stunning or putting people in fhr. D2 did the changes because the newer players who donā€™t know about pvp mechanics kept going into pvp with little or no fhr and got owned. Sadly this happens in alot of games.

You end up with messed up game mechanics or major nerfs because players donā€™t know what their doing, and the company rather just make major game mechanic changes instead addressing the problem. The problem is companies have a mass influx of casual players flood their game and demand major mechanic changes without even understanding the game, then like a virus they move on to other games to ruin them to.

Sadly this is the fate as gaming becomes more popular and main-stream, and companies want more money.

this is late but thats what i do on my pvp trap sin i use it now like a auradin almost i dont chase no pvpers, i just set up traps to do damage to kill randoms in pub games. Even more so now folks get upset because im not being agressive and chasing them. IF i cant mind blast you to stun you along with fireblast for a few seconds to do damage i might as well not chase.

Ive had players curse at me in pub games for my playstyle, i told them take it up with blizzard, some even tried to unhost me, i would hostile them back. Due to this new playstyle its harder for me to land kills but its also alot harder for players to kill me.

i agree now fhr lock gave folks who had less gear a chance a chance to stun and kill or at least damage some players. It took skill because you had to know when to run and when to attack.

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Great this too is perfect we need it