[2.4 Patch] Pvp is compromised - Fast Hit Recovery / Stun Issue

Pvp is a garbage in D2R. The only people who complain about stun locks are the ones who tried to gank a low lvl and got owned. Git gud.

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I think you’ve wandered off the path on the way to the dark wood…


Please revert or fix FHR/Stun issue for next ladder reset. Listen to the community.


Bump … the pvp scene is still around, could we have this QoL back? :frowning:


make pvp great again
make pvp great again
make pvp great again


I completely agree with this post. This game is definitely a masterpiece. Its just missing the proper fix with fhr/wsg.


+1 to everything that’s been said about bringing back fhr! Coming from a long time d2 player that got into the game at 97 and who is now a working adult playing the remastered d2 !


Be Gay like all of us

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Please revert FHR and listen to the community.

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Please revert FHR and listen to the community.

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I agree with this post. FHR for pvp in it’s current form isn’t working as intended. Honestly never had an issue with stun in the original game. You had to take it into account and adjust playstyle when fighting certain classes like the sin who don’t deal as much up front damage and need to play more stratetic to win. Even if not 100% required WSG should make a come back.

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Current antistun mechanic ruins cooperation in team vs team PvP, as we warned blizzard it would do time and time again. Stun immunity mechanic should be at least reworked to proc after 2 or maybe 3 consecutive hit anime instead of 1. If its too much to ask then revert hit recovery mechanic to what it was in 2.3.

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Bump, hoping blizz can take note of the pvp community’s suggestion/wishes.

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Please fix this issue blizz!

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Let’s hope the next patch has some QoL taken from the community for pvm and pvp.


Indeed. Keep it up. :slight_smile:


THIS !!! plz make revert BLIZZARD!!!


Adjusting the immunity frame from first damage taken irrespective of if they were in faster hit recovery is likely the best option we have.

After 3 or 4 FHR situations, put them into the same immunity.

This would give teammates roughly one second to catch a stun lock, this would also allow a trapper to stun, lay a trap and have that trap potentially hit them if the enemy doesn’t walk and only tries to teleport. This would renable the hard shockwave combo on a windy druid as well.


revert fhr changes completely, it rewards defensive play so much in way too many matchups

and bring back wsg… or since we know that’s not happening, make it so you don’t get swirlies in pvp - either just from mind blast or from any skills

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Let’s hope the next patch has some QoL taken from the community for pvm and pvp.

We can only hope. Thousands of PvPers across N/A / Europe / Asia have been asking this since 2.4 and not a single response from blizzard. There are several discord servers with thousands of ppl who only pvp/pvm to keep this game active for the love of the game. We’ve all reached out to blizzard multiple times and all they told us was to keep posting on forums and we can’t even get a response. Over 25k views and thousands of posts. When will you guys listen to your community and improve your game? Even the face of the game Mr.Lama agrees.

Mr lama’s video go to 36 minute mark where both Cooley and Mr Lama both agree these changes should be made. Speaking on behalf of every single pvper and also the ones who quit the game because it took 10 steps back at 2.4 launch.

Please listen to the community. @PezRadar