[2.4 Patch] Pvp is compromised - Fast Hit Recovery / Stun Issue


Stun and Fhr mandatory for my character…


I personally like the Fhr fix.
No more leap stun abuse.
No more trapsin stun abuse.
V/t Smiters are still op.

Fhr change is a good thing that happened to d2res. Makes pvp more viable for 90% of duelers than top 1% who wants to abuse these skill.

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adapt you old dinosaurs.

The same system was in place for over a decade. What game in existence isn’t patched to hell in that amount of time with practically a whole new game. You old fossils got used to things being a certain way and apparently forgot how to adapt or change. Not like the change didn’t affect everybody. Most people are trying new things and builds and figuring out new strats. You tired old fossils need to do the same and stop crying like teenagers

Can you pvm folks please not talk about things you don’t understand

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It’s interesting that you say that you like the change.

It would be even more interesting to know what’s good for you at the current state and what’s make pvp more viable ?

But i can tell you why it’s very bad - and it is.

Nobody “abused” stun, it was very easily countered and even mindblast.
It’s a part of the game mecanic… same as knockback.

Stun was used to make pvp combos (as explained in the post) why would you want to remove it ?

By the way, V/Ts are not OP and never were OP. An interesting char to play that requires lot of skills to master but not OP.
If you want to know what’s OP now in pvp i can tell you : Bowzon - or any zon - (huge buff and removal of dodge animation), druid (10 pets), necromancer (huge dmg buff) basicly.

New patch made pvp nooby and random, most likely about spamming skills without even aiming opponents.

Because anyway if you aim (and then chainlock), the hit will not stun him and you will put yourself in danger for nothing.

All basics mecanics like chainlocks are not even effective as before and kinda useless.

The more you camp and spam the more you win but if you say it’s fine, i guess it is then. :man_shrugging:

Show little respect to dinosaurs cause without them humans would not be here.
Kinda same for d2r, without pvp’ers in d2 lod, the game would be dead 10 years ago – but “hey” we got a cool remaster.


I am respectful. It’s hard to catch my tone in text obviously. I was lovingly calling people a dinosaur. Because they are in a way. Im over 40 myself.

The point is though, all players were affected by changes. Yes, things are different. Thats the exciting part of it I’m trying to illustrate. New life and strategies are waiting to be discovered. People too stuck in the rut of the “old way”

Could things get even more improved? yes. maybe additional mechanics or skill changes. Should they revert to as it was? BIG NO

great example of change. Most of those were terrible before. With patches comes change and growth. there is still a lot of growth and change (for good) that can still happen if people are not so resistant before even trying.

It’s like saying you hate a certain food when you haven’t even tried it or barely did and was quick to write it off.

Well, it’s a two dinosaurs talk then.

Different doesnt mean better, thats the case. Why change would be always better?

On the paper it’s an interesting idea. Problem is that there no “new life” or “new strategies” - the top tiers players are still top tiers players and the best characters are still the best characters :arrow_right: Nobody play dagger poison necromancer or summons druid in pvp :upside_down_face:

Main characters are still the same : whirlwind barbarian, hammerdin, smiter, bowzon, bones necro, wind druid, fb sorc, blizz sorc.

More than that nobody is playing assassin anymore. Without fhr and stun, the character is totaly useless (good patch my man… yes)
All variant of assassin are still very bad : hybrid, kicksin or what ever.

I don’t see any improvement there or “new life” sorry.
And there is no new strategies because most of the technical and tactical parts of the game, including team coordination in Team Versus Team rely on stun.

@second part

Druid and necromancer already were top tiers (and the last 15 years in D2 Lod). That patch made them even stronger (nobody complains about that, it’s a part of the evolution - thats it).

Bowazons were good and a key character in Team versus Team.
But less effective mainly because of their lack of mobility (teleport) and it requires lot of investment.

Noone of them were “terrible”.

Reading all that makes me wonder if you actualy play/played the game in PvP - but i still answered :slightly_smiling_face:

It was better before - that’s what dinosaurs said too.


lol dinos unite!

correct. however no change is stagnation and leads to obstinance. we should try new things and if they suck, they should be changed until they don’t. It’s a part of discovery and growth

I do and in another persons words

sure it loses alot but it never won at all before and its changed part of how pvp goes down. I don’t feel its all the way there yet though and have a post regarding this.

for the most part yes, however there is like a over 35% increase in druid players now after 2.4 illustrating the potential for “new”

I agree they kind of got :poop: ed on. this is why I said we could use some further mechanics or skill tweeks to bring them back in. We shouldn’t kick the druid back out for example, we should find the best way to get everyone “in”

well not to be confrontational but are there not major changes that have happened post2.4? many threads about how their team pvp is ruined or their “this build or that build” not as effective now. We can roll forward with these changes and momentum to introduce new ideas and changes to improve the game. With the exception of pvp players the last patch was very well received. There are in fact new players to this game now. I agree that there should be attention paid to people who only pvp. There are many games I play where I only pvp so I get it. However we can haev our cake and eat it to going forward I feel with some slight changes to how skills or things are in pvp but keeping the already made changes to classes.

well comparatively they kinda were. who played a summon druid in pvp ever for example? necro was good in bone or poison sure but now all three are viable.

lol yes. I could probably have used better examples, but I was trying to reply quickly and still cover most of what I was trying to say4

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1 on 1 pvp, 4 vs 4 team pk by the rules, is it a comment argument between those who have experienced it and those who have not? There is a Korean proverb that reads the bible to cow’s ears… what do you say… do you understand?


yes, I do for the most part. I feel with some slight changes to how skills or things are in PVP, we can move forward in a way that can allow for changes and growth but still keep most of the PVP and PVM players happy.

The problem now is that after patch 2.4, FHR automatically disappears, so pvp games cannot be established. Items with FHR became garbage, and the unique properties of each character became meaningless. Druids, Paladins, Necromancers and Amazons are still strong, and Barbarians have been nerfed ww, so they are useless in pvp other than shouts. No player struggles with an assassin’s trap-mind blast combo. In other words, it fell from the pvp meta to a garbage class. Blizzard clearly declared and promoted a constant balance patch in updates and advertisements, but gave the indulgence of nullifying all melee attacks, stun, and knock-out attacks by simply teleporting. This is not a simple meta change, but a trashing of the FHR system that is the basis of Diablo 2.


A necromancer who responds to a Paladin’s Zeal skill or a Bear Druid’s shock wave is an idiot. The problem now is that the game has become loose and has become trash at the level of a mobile game. I think the sages are the users who have been patient for more than 5 months after the 2.4 patch due to the stupid idea of ​​the stupid developer.


yes, there should be a tweak to how some pvp aspect’s function or how an ability works in pvp like in the assassin’s case.

This is probably a couple PTR to test things kind of solution.

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I think D2R is getting beta testers for D4.

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lol maybe but if thats the case then at least D4 will be better? :crossed_fingers:

That’s cool From what has been revealed so far, if there is no user-to-user trading system, there is no reason to farm, trade, and meet people, so I don’t think D4 will be played. WoW or WOW classic is a masterpiece, but not everyone plays WOW, and as D2R has its own charm, I hope that D4 will not ruin the foundation of the Diablo game. The heart of Diablo is a hit and slash and player-to-player trading game.

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yes exactly. I’m very vested and interested in D2R. Not as much for D4. They can honestly move the timetable back on that a year or so and I wouldn’t be sad. I’ve always felt one should finish something before starting the next. D2R is still unfinished. If they want to get feedback and ideas from our community for D4 cool, but again they should wait to release D4

  • Google “BXXXXXXs Resurrected” if necessary

(Rumor) As Dev Realm, which should be offline yesterday, is UP,
Right away, Blizzless team tries to access the relm
They said they had some information about the 2.5 patch.

[Latest Patch 2.5]

  • Customized/selectable spoil filter
  • Add lobby and controller modifications
  • Adding a local server option
  • Increase the number of character creations to a maximum of 20
  • additional state pages with 1 dedicated to craftables
    (It seems to be about adding a warehouse page.)
  • Change of the skill of summoning a coded man
  • Assassin martial arts, change of shadow training skills
  • Assassin’s mind blast and change of Paladin’s conversion skill effect
  • Amazon Flame Skill Change
  • Change of music/acoustic effect

Etc. End of Ladder season 1 Exited September 30, 2022


I’ve brought it with me, rumored but quite interesting information.


could this be the improved AI for druid summons? or perhaps new mechanic like attack all? interesting