[2.4 Patch] Pvp is compromised - Fast Hit Recovery / Stun Issue

Bumping the topic for visibility! Fixing FHR is of critical importance for PvP.


a piece of explanation for those who read some of the few last comments. Stunlock was never something 100% reliable, and you generally managed to escape after a few hits (unless those hits were enough to kill you obviously). But " a few hits" insteand of ā€œ2 hitā€ is a big reward difference for offensive stomper

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reading, and experiencing are two different things. back then you couldnā€™t just walk out of mind blast lmfao, did you never play a single round against a trapsin? you have to ww, charge, or by some miracle manage to cast tele(requires lots of fhr). in pvp if you just sit there, you can die in pretty much a few seconds unless you are stacked, but even with sorb you will barely move between mindblasts. that was how trapsin avoided you, that meant you needed to either gear up properly or use something to get through the mindblasting. even then, it was possibly to knock a barb out of ww or a paly out of his charge.

then with smite, you had ZERO chance to fight back against the steady knockback, unless they had poop ias(griefz without ias gloves for example). fury druids, zealots, both stood no chance against a decent smiter. nobody made conc barbs for pvp, and zerk was pointless as it meant getting smacked around(didnt make you unstoppable like conc does).

then comes charge, which was the easier way to take a sorc out(the massive knockback prevented her from teleā€™ing or casting, the only hope was, again, to have high fhr to get a chance between charge strikes.

finally, leap was spammed to disrupt a caster, while they were in ā€œknockback recoveryā€ is when you would tele and ww their face right off.

there was no such thing as ā€œmaximum times you can be sent into recovery modeā€ there was ā€œyou had fhr or you diedā€

if they nerfed that in D2R, then that was foreshadowing, and I was unaware. I turned to PVM long ago back in 1.13 or so, and joined LVL shortly after(they were really cool folks, nothing like what I thought they were when I was a pvpā€™er who would see them act trash in games, and turns out those were not even real LVL members).

of course you could just ā€œtele out of mindblastā€ by forcing teleport. Sometime you would sucess instantly, sometime it would take longerā€¦ The thing, is team vs team against competent player ā€œlongerā€ means you are dead unless your team instantly protect you. Thats how rush team actually worked before the patch. But in 1v1 unless the assa manage to setup trap before mindblasting, its not that easy for her to set up a perma stun (with wof). And even them you could generaly tele after a fashion (yes, with good fhr and adequate gear. But who pvp with out that against an assa?)

Same goes for smiters. You would most of the time escape before the smite can smite you down to zero life. Good smite charge combo or repeated smite foh combo could make you sometime die in one catch, but its not that easy to pull off and even then you still have to succeed in the initial stomp.
Indeed others melee (except barb) had zero chance against smite, but its not going to change : smite still unblockable / undodgable.

Finally, leap tele ww almost never work against a competent caster in 1v1. He generally just escape when you stop leaping and dodge your telewhirl. Its at best good to grab namelock and get a chain teleport going


if the trapsin has no traps, it means you jumped her. thats bm

wake up and give us understandable answer, blizzard developers :slight_smile:


totally agree, harg !! -Somi-


Nop, because the trap is (or well, was, now she is little better than an auradin imo) the hunter in a good number of match up, meaning sometime she has to enter in lock range with no trap. This is a common situation in assa vs nec or assa vs sorc. She could also just be following you via chainloock ( = trap set up)

Not to say anything about mindblast catch in tvtā€¦

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ok, thought you were talking about just jumping the trapsin before they are even set up lol

also, mindblast is governed by ias not fcrā€¦something a lot of folks dont seem to know anymore

EDIT: or was that just trap layspeed? now i forgot too, dang itā€¦

its trap and fireblast yep, mindblast is fcr based (which is why 174 fcr used to be an effective setup in lod)


Please Blizzard do something,
fhr change made the game so unbalanced and with such a specific modification that is impossible for us to balance with ruling. We are at a point were we need to ban certain classes, restrict the usage of spells, thats not fair for the players

The game is just less enjoyable

we found a way to balance nec dmg as they were
we found a way to balance druid summons
But you need to do something for the fhr
Make something like, all this immunity and block mechanics only applied to monsters would be gg

best regards


Please fix this.
Stun mechanics and combinations were the 2 best things in d2.
No other game have had such a genious way of stun usage.
Cooldown is bad, it removes active gameplay both by the stunner and the stunned.

Old stun mechanics

Thats how u fix this game. Currently people have just given up, and we dont play diablo immortal, wow or any of those games, cause its not for us. Most pvp players would move over to csgo and such as that is more simular mechanics/reflexes and tactic as d2 duel was.

Ofc, you should fix wirlwind, looks like u removed the 2 ā€œfree hitsā€ on frame 4 and 8 based on the feedback i see on forums concerning wirlwind. Basicly wont be able to anything before frame 12ā€¦ Making triwirls, shortwirls and stun mechanics such as fbr useless for wirl.

Assa was always a great character, but traps in their own without any stun is garbage, it was fun char of combinations and hybriding between skills.

Im not saying this cause i play assa, i play all chars. Actually prefer underdogs categories and any kind of hybrid characters.

War Cry is now useless in pvp.
Leap is now useless in pvp.
Smite is now useless in pvp, cause enemy gets knocked out of range after 2 hits and can freely tele away, even mid smite hits.
Shockwave is now useless in combination with that werebear was nerfed beyond imagination with the new attack speed changes.

You buffed amazon and nec, two top tier characters.
The only way to be able to deal with a good nec was either raw damage or stun, and most character having stun dont have much raw damage.
Amazon now has the total opposite dodge/evade/avoid functions, it used to stun them with its animation, and you had to wsg out, now they simply take no damage, and dont get stunned when dodging attacks, meaning they can handle inzane ammounts of damage without dying at the same time as they spam theyr overbuffed damage. Plague javs and bow skills has been buffed with high ammounts, Immagine an amazon casting plague javelins with 80k damage at the same time spam 7k guided arrows in their faze without beeing stunned. Its just opā€¦ I loved amazon, i had 2,4k ga, 39k plague and 7,5k cs damage on a fast teleport build with max attackspeed both sides. Such fun character to use kb and fbr stun from ga, as well as knockback from unblockable lightning bolts. And activly avoid getting hit by walk and telestyle, as well as wsging out of stun try to stun my enemies with my arsenal of rather low damage skill meanwhile plague slowly drain their life, and then see my opening for jumping the enemy and slam some charget strikes in their face either while or knockback or is about to tele out. Thats constant active gameplay for me and the guy im duelling. How d2 should work.

You did many great things, like throwbarb, damage boost of druid fire skills and removing many cooldowns they had, and we love the new attack speed functions of wolf druid. But the things you did bad, you really did badā€¦ Like gamebreaking badā€¦

Like the damage buff on blade fury, damage was never the issue, the issue was that it has an inzane long start and stopping animation, as well as it cannot pierce, even with pierce equipment. It also has an attack rating issue where attackrating in general on ranged skills dont add its % bonus. Claw mastery AR% bonus dont add either, unsure if u fixed that.
Maby ask ur community about changes, not just the streamers who wanna overpower braindead pvm monsters all day long and hope for RNG to bring them a rune.


Fully agreed, please let us have fun playing PVP again :slight_smile:


may 25th, STILL waiting for any countable comment from D2R developers. please, WORK!


Have Blizzard developers ever played pvp? 2.4 patch is such a ridiculous patch


Wish they did.

I can candidate tho, let me work on it :sunglasses:

PvP will be a masterpiece


Couple small changes and pvp could be amazing:

-Fix 4 frame hit registry in whirlwind
-Fix desynch occurring on whirlwind for assassin



-revert FHR/immunity change and add in WSG
-Modify the FHR/immunity change to something more balanced which still allows for stun combos to be utilized (good for higher skill cap)

A few balance adjustments for builds
A few skill adjustments for mechanics (shockwave/warcry unblockable, blade shield actually functional, etc)
In-game pvp support


Totaly agree.

Fhr/immunity and whirlwind are the most frustrating issues atm.

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The only thing keeping this game alive is pvp , listen to the community and do the right thing.


may 26th, came again!! please give us answer :heart::heart::heart: