we are not talking about bringing back wsg, we are talking about deleting the 2.4 mechanic.
Melee duels was always possible after 1.09 lmao, the problem is more most pvpers went to classic duels. You know why ? because generally melee duels is just a boring stat check / rng fight
no one in his right mind is crying about smite and charge lmao
What you call exploit of stun has always being a base mechanic in 2v2 pvp : you catch and hit someone, you are a rewarded by being able to deal signigicant dmg because he stays stunned a bit (perma stun to death happens but arent as frequent as a lot of pvmers here seems to think). If you play aggressivly, catch someone and arent rewarded proprely for it, the game become crap because then, why bother playing aggressively ?
The current patch is an insult to the whole pvp community - #148 by necesarypapr-1460 can you do the same post in that topic pls ? I need a bump too. Thanks in advance bud