When starting the battle.net app, I always have to log in manually, despite having “Keep me logged in” checked. The specific error I get is “Your login session has expired. Please log in again.” Error Code: BLZBNTBGS80000023
It all started when you decommissioned the bnet authenticator app and I had to switch to the battle.net app with the integrated authenticator. When I still had the old authenticator app connected to my account, I was kept logged in for months. Now after unlinking the old app and linking my account to the authenticator from the new battle.net app, the session expires daily.
First thing I did, was to create a thread in the german support forums. This was roughly a year ago. Until today nobody responded with a solution. Nor did any MVP or blizzard representative reply. Only people replied, who also had the same problem and were looking for a solution.
Recently I opened a ticket, so I could get help. I got a generic reply with stuff I already tried and it was immediately closed from blizzard side. Then I opened a second ticket, worded the message differently, provided even more information and asked to not close immediately, but let me respond as well. It did start somewhat promising until the responses kept repeating or suggested thing which had nothing to do with my problem. (TBH, it doesn’t look like I’m talking to real people here. This feels like an AI is stuck in a loop.)
Anyways, here is all the stuff, I got suggested and I already tried, but did not help:
- Check Firewall/Antivirus Settings: Make sure that your firewall or antivirus software isn’t blocking Blizzard’s games or services. You may need to add exceptions for Blizzard’s executables or ports. xhttps://support.blizzard.com/article/000023672
- Restart Your computer and Router/Modem: Sometimes, a simple restart of your networking equipment can resolve connection issues. xhttps://us.battle.net/support/en/article/31851
- Disable Background Applications: Close unnecessary background applications, as they might interfere with Blizzard Programs. Check for any resource-intensive programs running in the background and close them before launching the game. xhttps://support.blizzard.com/article/000023848
- Flush your DNS cache and reset your network configuration. You can do this by opening the Command Prompt (on Windows) or Terminal (on macOS) xhttps://us.battle.net/support/en/article/82450
- Checked with my ISP, if there is any problem on their side, as one of the ticket responses suggested.
- Clear your Browser’s cache and cookies
- Clean Battle.net app cache folder (here’s how: xhttps://battle.net/support/article/34721 )
- Uncheck “Keep Me Logged In”
- Spam “Accept” the “Terms of Service” until it accepts it
- Turn off Antivirus temporarily before launching the app
- Check this article to help you xhttps://support.blizzard.com/article/000010989
- I see that we need to do some troubleshooting. For more information, please take a look at the below link: xhttps://battle.net/support/article/000099037
- After taking a closer look into this for you, I would like to let you know that we don’t have any additional troubleshooting to provide, so I would like to recommend visiting our Technical Support forums for further assistance regarding this matter, kindly use the link below: xhttps://us.forums.blizzard.com/en/wow/c/support/technical-support
I have no idea, why I was suggested to post my issue on the WoW forums. But instead I came here, as this seesm to be the more appropriate forum.
Other things I tried, which were not recommended by Blizzard, but in the end didn’t help anyways:
- Uncheck “Keep me logged in”, log in manually for a few days and then check “Keep me logged in” again.
- Unlink my authenticator. Keep it that way for a few days. Same issue, when unlinked. After a few days I linked it again to be on the safe side.
- Turned on “Always require authenticator for login” in my account settings. “Clear Saved Login Info” in the battle.net app settings.
Finally, I’m not using any VPN. My Antivirus is Windows Defender.
This is going on now for way too long. I really would appreciate, if this can be solved!
(Prefixed all links with x, because it won’t let me post it. All links point to blizzard or bnet anyways. If that’s still a problem, I can remove them)