We couldn't verify the digital signature of your Battle.net Agent. Follow the steps in this support article to fix this issue. Error Code: BLZBNTBTS00000011

ı cant play the game because of this error please help.

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Hey there Alpern,

Have we already tried uninstalling then reinstalling the app? This works to resolve most cases of this error.

when ım trying to uninstall the app it gives another error ı erased the app manually fromthe folders and tried to install again but it gives the same error.


Hey, Alperen! What’s the other error you receive when trying to uninstall the application? Could you see if the same issue occurs on a New Admin account?

Did you find a solution for this? I have the same problem. :confused:

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ı tried it too same thing happened and now it gives this error We couldn’t verify the digital signature of your Battle.net Agent. Follow the steps in this support article to fix this issue. Error Code : BLZBNTBTS00000011

For anyone running into a similar error, please check that this is not the BLZBNTBGS80000011 error. This is a completely different error caused by connection issues to Blizzard services. If you are running into the BLZBNTBGS80000011 error instead, please refer to this thread.

@ DiegoSaur, there’s currently a known issue with Telmex that we’re looking into. Please refer to this thread.

@Alperen, thank you for trying that out! Since it’s persisted, let’s try a few additional steps here:

If the problem continues, please contact our Technical Support team to look into this issue further with you.

Just had the same issue. Did all the steps that were recommended, even checking my operating system for corruptions, and ended up being a simple solution (for me):

After uninstalling, go to your file explorer. Type in %appdata% in the address bar, and delete the associate battle.net or blizzard entertainment folders that may pop up. Do the same with %temp%, %localappdata%, and %programdata%.

Then try reinstalling.


i have the same problem it always says it cant find the signature. i uninstalled it but nothing worked after that

yo tambin tengo ese mismo problema no puedo acceder a los juegos ni desinstalar nada probe todo lo q me salio en las ayudas de los errores pero nada sigo igual cuando nos dais una solucion gracias

This advice was amazing! Thank you so much for the clear, detailed instructions. I followed your post and deleted any associated files. Then reinstalled battle.net with no issues at all.

Thank you for this! After 3 frustrating weeks of not being able to fix this and play, this did the trick better than any “help” from support.

Awesome advice Bernie.
After new admin account, OS updates, re-install of certificate, hard delete of the Battle.NET app folder, verifying OS file integrity, disabling security software… THIS is the one that solved my problem.

You have my thanks!

Thank you kind sir, it worked.

thankyouuuuuuuuu very much!!!

And so after this, i still need to be logged in with my new admin account? or i can go play from normal one?

I need to talk to some one about my account. Wont accept my payment

BLZBNTBTSOOOOOO11 can’t get my. account reactivated *******

Edited to remove personal information.

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Thank you sir. This worked for me.

this does not work
what other ideas can I try