I’ll just hope it is off by the 8th
Well I reset my modem, downloaded LOD. If any cs comes across this any update on my account would be much appreciated! No longer running nord vpn! Even if I can access open, I would appreciate it. (New account, new game purchases, honest mistake). I do wish there could be a new account, new purchase, ‘One Time Forgiveness’ for accidental vpn use, before the 2 week Wall is put up. I know rules are rules. It has been beyond 10 long years and my good ol’ V.08 days are calling me!!! Thank you.
Hey, Truth101! The temporary restriction should be lifted on the June 8th, later in the evening.
Thanks Caterpepi! Much appreciated!
Always awesome when a customer support comes in to help. Thanks Caterpepi. Truth101, You have from now 'til June 8th to do some spring cleaning of your home, start a vegetable garden, make sure to lose a few kgs (lbs), and to stock up on coffee grounds! Good luck and have fun when you’re on!
Definitely a good channel! But @iWasntThere you have it all wrong!! It is solo play 24/7 until the swiftness is back so I can rejoin like a champ! /3 Thank you both!
Give this ONE a job blizz!
All heroes aren’t admins!
Hello Caterpepi! Could you check my account (Diablo 2)? I can’t seem to login to US East – I keep getting the “Checking Version” message followed by “Battle.net is not responding. Please try connecting again in a few minutes.”
Thanks for your help!
Hi there,
So, i’ve been playing diablo 2 for a while and today, my antivirus trial has ended. I’ve bought another one (Norton). So it’s all installed and when i try to play diablo, got the please reconnect message. I’ve check in the setting of my Norton antivirus and it says that the VPN secure is activated… Will i be banned for 2 week ? The new ladder seasons is coming pretty soon and i hope not to miss it
Let me know please. Is there a way to undo this ?
@Kelt, the “Checking for Version” and the “Battle.net is not responding” errors are both known errors caused by temporary restrictions. Checking on our end, it does appear that one was applied until the morning of June 5th.
It looks like a VPN or Proxy was the cause, please check our temporary restrictions article for more details on what can cause a temporary restriction.
Please keep in mind that these restrictions are not intended as a punishment, but to help keep the servers stable.
@Jlarocque, many security applications now come with VPNs automatically and may cause temporary restrictions with Diablo II. It’s important to make sure these services are disabled before playing Diablo II.
It does appear that a temporary restriction was applied and should be lifted on the morning of June 10th. The cause does appear to be caused by a VPN/Proxy service that was active.
With the game as old as it is, there’s no way to remove temporary restrictions once applied. Our post gives a bit more informatino and details on temporary restrictions.
Thanks for the reply Caterpepi, it’s appreciated.
It’s super confusing and since I wasn’t using a VPN or Proxy. I was playing a boring, regular game in the normal way I had for a month before the error started.
Not cool.
Given that I didn’t know there was a temporary restriction for several days, I kept on trying to connect each morning. Was my original temporary restriction extended by me trying to login again after the temp restriction went live?
I would also love it if you could answer these questions:
- Are you aware that D2 Battle.net is absolutely full of bots?
- Why doesn’t Blizzard just ban VPN connections instead of VPN connections AND ip addresses?
- Why is there no appeals process?
- Why isn’t the VPN rule actually posted somewhere prominent?
- Why is D2 Battle.net still full of bots?
Last, a piece of advice. I would recommend not using this phrase:
Please keep in mind that these restrictions are not intended as a punishment
Regardless of Blizzard’s intention, this is how it’s playing out. It comes across are super tone-deaf to think people would be somehow a little bit more okay with this because you didn’t mean for it to be intended as a punishment.
A 2 week temp restriction is pretty harsh as a punishment for pretty serious offenses… and some people are getting them for NO reason, or for something silly like accidentally connecting with a VPN.
That’s pretty not cool my friend.
i just downloaded bought and downloaded d2 and lod from this website last night. used the link to download the patch. ive tried to log on to bnet since last night on all realms and it keeps saying disconnected from battlenet. any reason why? I haven’t even been able to create a char. just goes to checking versions then disconnected from bnet…… spent money on a 20 year old game that said I could play online and im feeling swindled
Am I banned before I’ve even started playing?
@Kelt, as technical support, we only assist with technical issues that can be resolved through troubleshooting. We are not the developers and have no way to change the way the game has been implemented. The developers do not monitor the technical support forums. Any feedback with the system should be on the Diablo II General Discussion so that your voice can be heard by the team who can make the changes.
@Bluntz, it appears that a business connection was used to connect to the game. The restriction should be lifted on June 14th, but the business connection may need to be addressed by the ISP before attempting to login again.
This is one of the listed reasons for why a temporary restriction was applied.
Connecting to Battle.net using a business network, cloud hosting service, VPN, or Proxy
So I can’t use mobile hotspot I guess. What do I need to do other than wait?
Mobile hotspot may work since it would change the IP Address and as long as the restriction isn’t tied to the CD Key. It’s worth a try as long as you’ve checked for any other possible restrictions that may cause it.
Well I’m guessing it’s cd key code cuz all I’ve used is my home Wi-Fi and my mobile hotspot. Sometimes the hotspot has a closed NAT could that be where the problem is? Edit I think PlayStation had it as a NAT 3 if I remember. It wasn’t open
Hi Caterpepi,
Could you check my account? My VPN and proxy settings have been turned off since before downloading/installing D2 LOD. Thanks
Hey there,
I have also logged accidentaly with VPN turned on. Is there a possibility to check how many days left?
Blizz - the new ladder is coming and I’m …
it will be 14 days in a couple hours. what do I need to do to log onto bnet? you said address the business connection? what does that even mean?