Randomly gets disconnected, BLZBNTBGS000003F8

I keep getting randomly disconnected from cold war, and the blizzard launcher. This dosen’t happen with any other program on my computer, just blizzard specifically, I did a windows reinstall, and still no luck. Error code BLZBNTBGS000003F8 on cold war.


I get the same error, except I haven’t been able to start the game at all. Have been trying for 3 days now. Not sure what the fix is. As soon as I click on the icon, it gets past the activision screen and then says I’m disconnected with a return to desktop icon my only option.

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Having this same issue with the new World of Warcraft expansion. Did all the workarounds you’ve suggested and still nothing. I think this has to do with the new update the launcher had about 2-3 days ago.

Hey all,

There is already a main thread that Bliz is monitoring and providing updates as they get them. There’s a series of steps and a log file they’d like you to send.

Try to keep this issue to one thread to help consolidate and track the issue.

[To anyone who arrives here, the main thread quoted above is only for Errors BLZBNTBGS000003F8, BLZBNTBGS80000011 & BLZ51901016]

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Since 05/13/2021 the same problem for me for several other people too!
It is unbelievable that Blizzard or Activision DOES NOT reply ANY emails about these errors. I try to contact them in 3 days and NO answer