Tried getting COD warzone last month. Desktop app will launch upon initial install, but will not install any games. It has a permanent spinning blizzard logo thing upon initial install attempt. After I close the desktop app and relaunch, every time it has the following message.
“Blizzard agent went to sleep. Attempting to wake it up……” BLZBNTBNA00000005.
I have followed the instructions multiple times in addition to restarting PC, deleting all COD warzone game files, Blizzard, files (program data, local, temp, etc.) and reinstalling multiple times. I have tried disabling firewall and resetting to default firewall settings as well. Drivers are up to date. No matter what every time after initial desktop app launch it will not “wake up”.
Not sure if it matters, but I also cannot connect to the COD warzone on my PS4 it says unable to connect to servers. The game DOES WORK on PS4 if I use mobile hotspot, I will not attempt using hotspot on my PC as that is not a viable solution.
Every single Steam and Epic store game I have launches/runs without issue on my PC and PS4.
My ISP is Comcast and my router is a TP Link Archer CR500 and I’m located in the USA.
See old post that questions were not answered: Permanent BLZBNTBNA00000005
Customer support responded to post with links to posts that were never resolved. Please provide an actual solution.