Permanent BLZBNTBNA00000005

Tried getting COD warzone this weekend. Desktop app will launch upon initial install, but will not install any games. It has a permanent spinning blizzard logo thing upon initial install attempt. After I close the desktop app and relaunch, every time it has the following message.

“Blizzard agent went to sleep. Attempting to wake it up……” BLZBNTBNA00000005.

I have followed the instructions multiple times in addition to restarting PC, deleting all COD warzone game files, Blizzard, files (program data, local, temp, etc.) and reinstalling multiple times. I have tried disabling firewall and resetting to default firewall settings as well. Drivers are up to date. No matter what every time after initial desktop app launch it will not “wake up”.

Not sure if it matters, but I also cannot connect to the COD warzone on my PS4 it says unable to connect to servers. Every single steam and epic store game I have launches/runs without issue on my PC and PS4.


I have the exact same problem and it sucks so much especially since it happened out of no where.


I’m having the same issue, somethings up with blizzard servers rn

same here, stuck at my one desktop, however my 2nd desktop got to finish the patch but cant launch the game, error will says cod was not close properly last time, eventhou i ddnt play b4

prioridad a los pagos.

You can take the schools. You can take the parks, the pubs, and the restaurants. But I’ll be DAMNED if you’re going to take away muh games!!!

But seriously…I can’t login to the launcher.

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Yeah my blizzard app launches, puts me in a queue, i wait through the queue and then it just closes and if i try to re open it, the whole thing just repeats.

Any tips to get this to work? Still having the same issue…

Thank you for your reports! There may be two different issues being reported on this thread.

I am seeing some Spectrum users running into similar errors as Comcast. If you are running into this error. Please create a new thread or contact our Customer support team so that we can track new issues with Spectrum experiencing the [BLZBNTBNA00000005] error.

So that we can focus on these specific issues and OP’s issue is related to these threads that we’re tracking, I am closing this thread. Please refer to the respective thread.