Overwatch 2 phone number

13 hours since the game is launched and it keep saying “please use post-paid number”
what a weird policy, So i must go buy some post-paid number that will only use for play this game, and not use it anymore in my whole life ? Pfff !!!

Yes this is just strange. I use cricket as a carrier and they are all prepaid phones. Really hope blizzard changes this silly policy.
I played overwatch alot before but I think I have to skip overwatch 2.

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Man, someone at blizzard needs their pooper kicked out the door, what an absolute dunce. I don’t even use mobile phones, hate em.

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I put my phone number, and they never send me the verification code

If anyone finds a fix let me know… I just want to play overwatch 2 ffs… Can’t change region, can’t use phone number… I just want to play your newest game blizzard, but I can’t because of some stupid broken ticket system loop and the stupid idea to use a phone number, authenticator, text message, papyrus scroll, pigeon mail and telepathic communication to enable me to log in without cheaters like wtf


An alternative to those of us who don’t own mobile phones would be nice


I have a contract phone number in UK and still not able to activate the account. What is this? I hope they’ll come up with another solution or half of the players won’t be able to play the game

This is ridiculous I have cricket wireless so I can’t use 2FA or play Overwatch 2 on my account. Mind you Cricket wireless is owned by AT&T I pay a monthly bill I wouldn’t even call it prepaid.

It doesn’t matter this will not stop cheaters.


Just adding my two cents as well. Had the same number for like 12 years with Metro Pcs. Never had problems before. Been playing since the beginning. Got like 90k currency, and every skin unlocked including ow league paid skins. This is trash.


I have cricket and it doesnt work…. This is so weird this is honestly so messy


I’m going through the same issue. I don’t have a prepaid phone but it’s saying I do. It’s really pissing me off.

I proposed a possible solution for everyone like me who is a long term customer with a phone from Cricket Wireless that is being blocked from playing OW2.

Don’t you guys think it’s ridiculous that I’ve had 1 single battle net account since Battlenet was re-worked and I have always used that single account. My account should have some kind of credibility…

If Blizzard were to make it so people with Phone plans that come up as pre-paid that have accounts longer then a set time, lets say 2 months or something should be able to access the services just like everyone else.

This would prevent exactly the Defense Matrix was created for which are Smurf account abusers instantly making random accounts in seconds, they wouldn’t be able to instalock accounts because they would need to gain credibility. This would allow all the Veteran users who are legit access to the service using their pre-paid phones.
Why would Blizzard not find a simple solution like this to give fair access to their customers? Common Blizzard you can’t treat your supporters like this, it’s horribly unethical.

Every person should be able to install an app for the SMS registration so they can receive important information on their devices of their choice. SMS system is a good secondary security measure but shouldn’t be the main notification system. Email, which every business model uses is the Gold Standard for receiving important account information updates , a cell phone can never replace this fact. If someone steals your phone, you loose access to getting those updates, whereas you can log on to any internet service capable device to check your email.

It’s that simple to implement and fix there is no justified reason for you to block access to your community for these reasons, just make some changes and give fair access to your community they at the base level deserve to access their content and not be forced into scumy practices to change their phone plans because you don’t like their provider.


My wife and I are also having the same issue as Cricket is our provider. We began playing OW when it was first released and spent a lot of time in game to just be told that we can not play without a post-paid phone number. We have never had issues with our phone numbers for other games and we shouldn’t have to change carriers to play a game we previously invested money in. I opened up a ticket to get a resolution to either change carries or use another number–like I have a multitude of cell phones at my disposal.


This deserves a lawsuit… Do they even understand the premise of the European Union???
We live in open borders and open market… People that, like me, that live in border areas and are cross border workers are now screwed over… I live in one country and work in another, my phone is from the country where i work because that is where i spend my day and also because at home i still get a stronger signal from the provider across the border. So i have been playing OW for years without any bans… I bought OW2 pack back in june, and only now am i told that i need to have a phone with the same exact country (it is not enough that both the phone and my region are both inside the EU). When i try to change my region/country to match my phone it also does not allow me to change… When i press to create the ticket, the ticket is created and then after some minutes it is automatic deleted and there is no answer given to me anywhere… You are tempting lawsuits aren’t you Blizzard? I might raise this to the EU Consumer protection department… I did the same to Vodafone some years ago, when they were being stupid also.


these guys at battle.net have no clue what they are doing

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Blizzard " Do you guys not have phone??? "

This situation sounds very familar to the 2018 Blizzcon for some reason.


I put thousands of hours into Overwatch 1 and have had my Blizzard account for decades. I pre-ordered the collectors for Overwatch 1 and alpha tested it. I cannot play overwatch 2 because I use a skype number as a phone number for over 15 years now. First it was online only and always, now its mandatory SMS. Next it will be Social Security Numbers and their security will be breached and they will end up giving away our identities. I appreciate the attempt to curb cheating, as its ruining the industry, but this is too far.


The same situation for me. I’m very frustrated about this Blizzard’s decision. I also spent hundreds hours playing first game without any problem and now they require me to change my contract. What a shame. What game does require the same? I play a lot. Hunt? Sea of Thieves? Battlefield? Call of Duty? No one ask about it. Why Blizzard? Why? Cheaters? Seriously? I’m not going to change my phone contract to play a game. I was going to buy second game just to support Blizzard, but after this “move” - no, excuse me.


I have owned the game for years with no problems whatsoever. but now i need to add a phone number to pay a FREE game. The problem isnt that i dont have a phone number the problem is that the phone number i have belongs to a country no less then 30 minutes away and because it doesnt belong to the country i live in i cant enter a phone number hence why i cant play neither cod nor overwatch 2 which was what i was most excited about. this is just really stupid


Honestly its a dumb thing, making millions change their phone provider because cricket, metro,mint dont work as a valid phone number