Things that would be great for WoW TBC Classic
(WoW Classic (TBC) API - Sockets, Spell Haste missing)
- Add Spell haste (Its missing in the TBC Classic item data)
- Add Socket Information to Items
- Add Stats to the Gem item data
- Open the Spell API (and all the other APIs) for Classic TBC
- With the implementation of contend phases to Classic TBC, it would be great to have information about the phase an item is/was realest in
- It would also be great if one could use the item search to search by stats (Like it says in the search guide (str=[41,]))
- Informations wether an item is obtainable ingame would be great
- Informations about the Source of an item would also be grate (from mobs, Vender, etc) or in my dreams having detailed drop chance informations