Why is there no version for MacOS but there is for Warcraft 3??? This makes no sense and just further creates a really messy eco system and further muddies the water on macOS support from Blizzard.
Without a doubt there is no excuse now not to be able to make games for the Mac. Cyberpunk is coming out for the Mac next year which absolutely poo poo’s blizzards original reason for not making the latest games for Mac which was the Mac isn’t powerful enough.
Blizzard stop messing around and start making your games for both platforms, we know you can do it and many other studios are doing it. You started out on the Mac don’t forget your roots.
well yeah. i was hoping for macOS version too.
I 100% agree. I started with Blizzard with Warcraft 1 in the 90’s on a Mac, and have used a Mac most of my time playing Blizzard games. The blizzard of old would always have supported Mac versions of these games, it’s upsetting that this philosophy is changing it seems.
Agreed, was surprised that there’s now macOS support. I have Warcraft 1 and 2 discs with older Mac OS support and Warcraft 3 still supports modern macOS, so it’s an odd gap.
I know that Microsoft is now the ones cutting the checks, but it still hurts just the same.
I dread the possibility of a day that the corporate MS overlords deem it not cost-effective enough for them to continue MacOS support on a future WoW expansion and demand that Blizzard completely shutter the Mac dev team.
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This is really disappointing.
The first game i played on a computer was way back on Orcs and Humans on my dads PowerBook 540c, followed up by Warcraft II. It was by virtue of Blizzard being one of the only game studios to make Mac games at the time that I ever got into the franchise.
Given the effort they put into porting World of Warcraft to Apple Silicon and Metal framework its really just disappointing that the same wasn’t done for this. I was really looking foward to playing these ever since the rumours about it started circulating!
Completely agree. Are you kidding me? No macOS support?
Moreover your page with system requirements in store says that macOS is supported!
Please, add these versions. I mean you HAVE TO, because that’s what’s your selling page says
I want it too! I can’t even play it through Crossover or Whisky because the Battle.net app does not work in them.
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Yes. For decades I used to tell all I could one of the best things about Blizzard beside great games was how EVERYTHING they did was done cross-platform. They’re just leaving us behind now guys. The Blizzard of old has been on-sold a few times and it’s new masters care not a jot for our platform of choice.
I’m currently holding in my hands my old Warcraft I and Warcraft II (plus expansions) games. All that I played and enjoyed obsessively on my Mac and which worked just fine.
Never got to enjoy Overwatch.
I played and loved Diablo (owning all Collectors ed.) dropped for D4
Now, the game that got me started with Blizzard and my 30 year journey. W1 and W2 … dropped.
It’s not like they’re a small independent company with limited resources. This is Blizzard, they don’t come any bigger. No, they just don’t care now if they lose us.
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It might sound like I’m being too dramatic here but it also genuinely has me more skeptical about investing in Blizzard games long-term either way. It just makes me feel uncertain about their franchises on our platform just in general. And it doesn’t help that issues in WoW that have been there since the beta, like scrolling/zooming not working properly, haven’t been fixed yet.
I’m sure the actual devs would love to let Mac users have this as well, so I’m not trying to be ungrateful to the actual devs. I’m just slowly starting to reconsider how invested I want to be in the Warcraft franchise if Blizzard can just suddenly forget about us. At this point I’m preparing for The World Soul Saga to be my finale.
Although they’re different games, and may have little in common under the hood, I think it’s worth mentioning that Diablo IV runs flawlessly on the Mac (via Crossover), despite the lack of an official Mac release. Apple’s Game Porting Toolkit is doing the heavy lifting, so Blizzard could (and should) release a proper Mac version. It remains to be seen whether Warcraft 1+2 will work in Crossover/GPT, but if it does, they should absolutely release Mac versions of these classics.
Yes the lack of macOS support is disappointing…
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I played War 2 BNE back in the day and would love if this was available on macOS too.
I would have bought them today if they were on the Mac. So frustrating and unnecessary.
Same here, I played Warcraft II on the PowerMac, I bought every Blizzardgame on the MAC, and now I’m ruled out by blizzard. no Overwatch, no diablo IV, no more classic games - why did blizzard forget us MAC gamers?
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I too would have bought this day one but no love for MACOS. Very disappointing.
hahah wow. Blizzard is truly bailing on MacOS users. Might not be surprised to see the next WoW expansion not available for us.
If only Apple released strong hardware… /s
i have found out why. they are 32 bit only and will therefore not work in modern versions of mac os.
Apple has a tool to help devs get their games on the mac for a reason… It’s not rocket science anymore…
Lookup the apple game porting toolkit.
I would post it but can’t link outside urls.
it is not so simple. blizzad needs to create 64 bit code for the game first. that is because mac os no longer supports 32 bit. these games is 32 bit only. though why i can not answer. they are located in x86 folders and not in x64 folders. though i also used task manager to make sure and that identified them as 32 bit.