Never used a Mac in my life but don’t people usually partition their Mac with a WDOS to play games?
Its just sad is what it is. You really need a time machine to go back to before overwatch and hots 2.0 to prevent Blizzards death and mac abandonment. Oh well. I would have bought diablo 4, diablo 2, warcraft 1 and 2 … I know pcs dominate the gaming market but they still would have made a decent amount from mac users. They don’t realize how much this hurts them with ios games and just all around. They could release diablo immortal on mac but just refuse to click “allow install on Mac”. For some reason they just hate us and so i will just return the favor and ignore them. I was hoping the microsoft thing was good but apparently not. Still must be run by suits too. When will they learn that game companies like car companies have to be run by the engineers/creators.
More importantly why didnt they make it for ios and mac. I think somehow they forgot that if they make it for one they are making it for the other. They just need to forget about saying they are developing for mac and just make ios versions of diablo 2, warcraft 1 and 2 and then just enable play on mac. Then the bean counters are happy too.
Hello Blizzard.
Please Mac version of these games…
first, they have to create a 64 bit executable. then they might start porting it.
Awesome, well that has prevented me from pulling the trigger on this one!
I agree, it’s a real shame. So frustrating as a mac owner coming up against this time and time again.
This. I would play the game on my mac. There’s no understandable reason why it’s not available already… Except maybe for microsoft wanting the exclusivity of the title on their systems.
This is jus stupid.
So disappointing. Been playing Blizz games on Mac for so long - I remember playing Orcs and Humans on my Performa. Goodnight, sweet memories - fade, fade into the realm of all that ever was and shall never be again.
the simple reason is that mac os no longer supprts 32 bit. the games is as of right now 32 bit only and will therefore not work on modern versions of mac os.
I am also very disappointed by there not being a MacOS X version of these remastered games
I second this. Mac would have been nice. I do play it on PC but when away from the PC, I use macbook for portability and they have a better build quality and feel than PC laptops.
i support that. i know several people that have mac and that because of that can not run them. blizzard generally adds 64 bit executables to older games. once they have, a mac version is likely not far behind.
Wait. A billion-dollar company that produces state-of-the-art games, can’t find the “resources” to convert, even re-create thirty-year-old games, that are themselves a blueprint? It’s not like they would be making everything from scratch. My cousin and I would buy the Mac versions of these ASAP if they were available. That said, I don’t know the first thing about creating games, I’m just going by what I see on the market, and what has been done before. If Microsoft wanted this done, it would be done. They’ve wasted money on far worse things.
That’s the opinion of a big fan of the game who simply wants to play it again. Apple, more than once, has released some big program that is supposed to make converting games a snap. And then it just doesn’t happen to the games that need it most. Quite frustrating.
We just want to play the game again, with that same quality that was put into Starcraft: Remastered. I wanted to try Diablo II, but that apparently is never going to happen, either.
as i have already said multiple times: the games is 32 bit only. modern versions of mac os is 64 bit only and is not backwards compatible with 32 bit. blizzard would need to change the code in order to get it to run on mac os. mac os and windows is also different. not too different however but, the main problem is that the games is 32 bit.