MW2 Not showing up in BattleNet launcher/cannot preload Beta

I was having the same issue and switched to the beta version of blizzard in settings and was able to download it

I haven’t read through the whole forum but this worked for me. This is for PC locate the folder your game is saved under change the folder name (filename Backup). Go back to app and under the play button shows up locate game select the file that you renamed. It should work after that it may asked you to update once the game is loaded :ok_hand:t4:.

So russian nased accounts camt play beta amd the full game at its release???

no idea . my account region is europe and i couldn’t play the beta

But you can see your purchased mw2 in game libary right?

yes i can see it in the library

Ru accounts cant even see the game in libary…

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have the same issue let me know if theres a fix

I think there will be no fix. Activision is not selling cod in ruassia if you preorderd the game you wont be able to play it.

i just fixed the problem by going into settings and activating beta mode, it updated and relaunched, i clicked on the mw2 dropbox and i now see the beta

I have a similar problem. I have MW2 on Bliazzard, I see it, I installed it, but it says that this game is not able to be played. What’s going on?

I had the same issue. If you uninstall your and reinstall it, it should show up. It did for me.

I have the same problem
Although I pre-purchased the game 1 month ago
And there is no icon in Battlenet
I also made a ticket, but they did not give me an answer.

i’m already download the game for the open beta but won’t allow me to play i can’t press the play button because the game cannot be play yet. wth

I think it is because of your region… there maybe sanction on your region.
Account Details >> Country / Region

Hey guys, I had the same issue, and uninstalling battlenet and re-installing worked for me!

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All i did to get the MW2 Beta stuff to show up under games was update to the Beta version of in the settings. Then it worked for me.


I can confirm this.
Head to the MW2 Store Page, New Beta Available should be an option under “Shop Call of Duty” & “Pre-purchase now”. Click that and it’ll enable the Install button at the bottom.

I had a RU account, I already have an EU account, solved in 30 hours. I bought MW2 and now it shows up on my account and I can play the beta.
I had the MW2 purchased for two months.

so sad , i did preorder but did not play the beta
it did not show up in my battlenet . i have an eu account btw