Goodmorning everyone i’m experiencing some issues with the patching o Modern Warfare . The process is very slow (and it’s impossbile due to my fiber connection) how can i solve this problem , because it’s very frustating . Thank for the support
Same issue, there is an update to download and it moves super slow or not at all. At the moment is stuck at 0b/s. I usually download with 20-24mb/sec and a WoW update was downloaded with 20mb/sec, so I am not sure what is wrong with CoD. Can’t play till the update is done and it seems it won’t be done at all like this… Thanks Battlenet!
I’m coming up on 11 hrs of download. It’s downloading in Kb/B, really ? I’m not saying the game is rubbish I’m saying the support is abysmal this game was released in NOV 2019 and it is having these sort of issues even after 5 mnths you have to ask yourself Activision/Blizzard do you really know how to do this job?
Same. i have 300 mbps speed, when i start download i get about 25-30 MB/s which is good, but that drops to kB/s in about 30 seconds. With a 200GB game, this is goin to take 30 hours. Whats the hold up ? maybe due to quarantine?
We are aware of the slow download issues, please refer to our main thread for slow download issues. As an important call out, we’ve seen issues with slow downloads caused by security applications such as TotalAV, or potentially unwanted programs such as PremierOpinion or Privoxy. Please try temporarily uninstalling these applications and running a virus scan.
As this is on our classic technical forums intended for Blizzard legacy games such as Diablo II and we have a known thread about the slow download issue, closing this thread.
36 posts were merged into an existing topic: Call of Duty Modern Warfare - Slow or Stuck Downloads