Call of Duty Modern Warfare - Slow or Stuck Downloads

Thanks! It worked for me and a friend.

It was downloading at few kb/s, now around 9MB/s.

EDIT: it worked for a few minutes before going back to download a 40kb/s

I have found a solution, but it’s a “last option kind of thing”.
When the download is stuck do:
Pause - start - pause - start - pause - start - pause - start … etc

The game downloaded everytime i did a reset and after that it got stuck again.
(I had this problem with the previous update, I am currently downloading again and it works fine)

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Yeah me to, I made the mistake of uninstalling the game and the Blizzard app, but now I of course can’t even download the game. An like you said it is relly getting on my nerves, I tried to be patient but the battlenet is just utter garbage please fix it!!

You just said us, that slow download isnt your fault… Every problem is on players side or on providers side, but you do everything ok.
Pathetic. From Steam, Origin, uPlay I can download everything with standard speed. Just BattleNet need to be special.
It would be nice if you try to fix it on your side, 'cause this problems are definitly there.


I use Nord VPN, it’s pretty fast with torrents too.

they shouldn’t have made the game F2P, or atleast give priority to people that actually bought the game.

downloading on steam with 50mb/s but gives me a pathetic 320kb/s, going as low as 9 bytes a second.

make sure your servers can handle the increased load due to making a part F2P or compensate the people that actually bought the game but can’t play.

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Tried few free vpn, none worked very well as speed is limited…

With a paid VPN i get get 20mbs/S from US servers. (I’m located in EU)

I paid a 1 month subscription for tunnelbear which costed 10$ and will only be used once for this… Which i find stupid so i decided to let anyone use it should they need it.

you can reach me out on this specific discord server : https:// discord. gg /mhabN7
(withtout the spaces, battlenet does not allow links on comments.)

There is a limit of 5 devices at any given time, so if more people reach me out, i’ll have to ask you to wait t’ill there’s a free spot.


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This is some joke, isn’t it? People pay tens of bucks for a game and are pushed to download an update that is not downloading at all - and that’s because of your crappy servers!

I have a fiber connection that allows me to download and upload stuff up to 1 Gbit/s. But your tool allows me to download at few BYTES per second, if at all.

You definitely should reconsider your policy. Are PC users a joke to you?

I will, and encourage everyone else in this situation to do this, seek for compensation from you for the time wasted on clicking pause-start and obtaining a game that is NOT playable.

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I do the same. Now I’ve clicked it up to 8GBs.

First the “171 gb update”, now 400 Kb/s of download speed.
Chapeau Blizzard, chapeau.

Hey yer better of then me, mine just shat down into the double digits… 08Kbps. Guaranteed telia net is behind this crapfest again, since they are the cheapest piece of dogsh!t routing provider out there

Their answer will probably be “download it overnight” or “use your mobile data”.
Absolute joke of a company

Btw a good VPN if you dont intend to get a sub to fix another blizzard cockup is Betternet VPN, no registration, no card needed for a free 7 day trial, max speed is 5-8MB/s which is still a better option then 8-100b/s

Shut down battlenet launcher, install their package, then turn on launcher and set region/account to Americas, make sure to put it back on to it’s previous setting prior to launching the game once patched.

And ofc dont forget to turn of your VPN prior to playing the game, i cant even remember how many times ive had my wow account suspended due to logging in from the wrong area.


The thing is i got a 0b/s it will not even download at all… Can’t use VPN and my Pc dont Support WLAN. So i’m stuck here with nothing i can do. Just love this -.-. Time to Quit the game i think.

Tried the VPN option Betternet does work for me windscribe dit not , its a disgrace that people need to get a vpn to try and get the update to work for them!
Did not have this problem until the last few patches and I did not change anything. the only thing that works is spamming pause and play.

Did you try with better net? dont forget to close down the entire launcher first, install the software, set your region inside the VPN program to US, and only then launch Blizzard net, set region to americas. Currently downloading at 10Mb/s.

I tested a few free, none were as efficient as this. Thanks mate

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Most welcome bud, us pixel addicts need to stick together.

Thanks man this one did work even if only at 6/7 mb appreciate it.

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Give it a few mins buddy, mine has ramped up to 14mb/s after like 5-10 mins

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