Missing friends list as separate window with new app

Blizzard doesn’t care about the gamming community they just want more of your screen space for ad’s just like the bad guy in ready player one. this is not a fact just an observation of what I see happening here and all over the internet. Ad’s are the best and fastest way to ruin anything. Steam doesn’t do that. Steam just want me to play more games. Everyone jump ship; just use steam or discord.

i have an odd feeling this was a push from activision. it’s the typical remove a feature then add it again as a “new feature” bs.

Please bring the friend window back!

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100% agree. For both people who want to focus on the friends list, and people who don’t want to see it, this feature being missing is bad for them. The only reason I can think of for this change is to force people to look at ads in order to get the functionality that they actually want.

They should do this!

Upvoting this. Please bring detached friends window back.

This STILL isn’t an option?

What is wrong with these devs?

Thanks for the feedback! This is now available in the latest version of Battle.net.


Thanks all of you for this discussion.

this. :ok_hand: :ok_hand: :ok_hand: