Missing cards in the Hearthstone API (and official webpage)

Hi! I’ve noticed certain cards are missing from the Hearthstone API.

This also affects the official hearthstone web-app.

For instance:

Golden Annoy-o-tron is missing. As you can see here, nothing is available under the “Triple card”-section:


Same goes for golden Hungry Snapjaw. As you can see here:


The golden version of “Selfless hero” seems to be present in the API, but the image is missing. Also evident from the official web-page as seen here:


As you can see the “Triple card”-section is there, but the golden card is not displayed when hovering.

Any chance these (and other missing cards) could be added to the API? Quite unfortunate that the official website for HS cards is not working properly due to lacking data in the APIs.
