Playing ladder, killed norm Baal, disconnected.
Now I’m getting mixed responses of eithe CD KEY in use or is not responding.
Has Blizzard given up on Classic Games?
Playing ladder, killed norm Baal, disconnected.
Now I’m getting mixed responses of eithe CD KEY in use or is not responding.
Has Blizzard given up on Classic Games?
I have cd-key being used problem too…
The servers seem bad to play right now, so best to just ignore it and try to come and play later. Sadly.
Blizzard please help, I tried to connect enthusiastically as soon as servers were up and seems I locked my CD key. I have been getting the same message that my cd key is in use by Dry, who is me, since 8:30pm EST last night.
errr I just got this too.
HELP ME please
I was d/c’d from the server and when attempting to log in again, it said the cd key was being used by me. I did the wait 5 minutes and try again and still the same message. So i waited another 20 or so minutes… same message. Did I get hacked? or is there a bug with my cd key? what’s up.
It’s happening to loads of people atm, myself included. Don’t worry, you weren’t hacked.
hm, well. I guess I’ll wait with the rest of ya lol
I played D2LOD just fine last night after ladder reset but at some point the game crashed, and I went to bed. I tried logging in again this morning but the game does not go past checking versions.
I played on USEast and unable to login there.
However can successfully login to USWest.
I did not use any third party programs other than Glide wrapper. I did not use any hacking tools. I do not use VPN.
Player name: Raldun (US East server).
Can somebody tell me what’s going on?
East server seems to be fubar’d atm
Well at least it’s not just me. I was thinking I got an IP ban for no reason. Guess I’ll sit tight.
Was planning on playing D2 all weekend, got studying done ahead of time this week.
Oh well.
Is anyone else getting this error?
I was trying to login shortly after 8pm EST – right when the reset was supposed to happen — then eventually this message started coming up every time I try to connect
I did find this thread… So, I’m waiting… as patiently as I can. Sigh.
So far it’s been 14 hours…
Anyone else in this situation?
Mine’s doing the same exact thing wish they would fix the problem.
5 posts were split to a new topic: Diablo 2 - Problems creating games
Just curious if there is a timeline setup as to when USEAST ladder server will be stabilized again.
Should I go mow my lawn for an hour?
What do we do to deserve this neglect? Why does Blizzard hate us so much?
Hey, all! Thank you for your reports. It seems we’re seeing two separate issues with the issue and we’ve split them up to accurately track these issues. We are aware of the issue with the issues with Diablo II at the moment, specifically for the ladder. Our team is working on this issue as quickly as possible! Thank you for your patience and understanding.
We are aware theres an issue within an issue. But this issue has alot of issues, and we all need some tissues because this issue has been going on for hours.
Do you have an ETA for us so we can plan accordingly?
Hello, any ETA ? CD key in use since 4 hours now
Same at roughly 5 hours now.