Thanks for making it stable
still cant get on…
Gotta fill a ticket with support so they manually disconnect your account from server.
did you get yours done?
I’ve just created a ticket, gotta download MSinfo and DX file.
Go check last blue post in general discussion, they explain to fill a ticket with CS
Hey all,
CD Key in use by your own account should clear itself up within an hour in most cases. If it doesn’t, follow the steps here.
Scratch that, Queues are back. Just stupid.
same issue going on here aswell
Still having the same CD key in use issue this morning, it’s been over 19 hours since it first happened yesterday.
I have the same issues for the past 22 hours… Is this is some kind of a sick joke? Is anyone up there going to help us?
Keep making posts spam em.!
I had this problem with my cd key being in use by me for about 12-14 hours at the very start of ladder. Then a few hours ago the server went down, kicked me out when I did the nightmare baal quest. Now after waiting patiently for the server to come back up, it shows I’m using my own cd key. I waited 5 minutes to no avail. Can you guys do something or am I going to have to wait another 14 hours?
The team put in some work toward game services so things should be improving a bit here. We’re seeing overall improvements, but we’re continuing to monitor the situation and your reports.
For those stuck on the login screen or receiving the “in use” error, please contact customer support to fix up the account. These situations cannot be addressed on the forums and it’s best to have our support team check out the accounts individually.
Hey, my guilds still reporting “disconnected from bnet” errors while trying to connect to useast.
might need to look further into this.
Bnet just kicked me out suddenly, then and I started to have this issue. After this, I try to change other 3 Keys, and Bnet tell me all are in use, this really does hurt to diablo fans
its back and still an issues issue, been stuck in Cd key in use for about 18 hours now
Hey folks, this is a thread from a few days ago, we’re tracking this latest dip here.