[Main Thread] Diablo 2 - Problems creating games, joining games, long queue times

The queue issues seem pretty consistent with a problem that’s causing the game servers themselves to crash. For those that don’t recall, the game servers for each realm are served by a cluster of actual game servers. This is the basis for Anni charm hunting as only some of these servers were configured at any time to allow Uber Diablo to spawn at all and the actual server IP addresses were used to track whether you were in a “good” game or not.

With that said, I was playing both before and during the beginning of the queue increase on Friday at around 11PM EST. At first the queue numbers were low and increased over time, but more importantly was the speed at which the queue emptied. At first the queue would clear out a large number of games (100+) per update - suggesting that games were still being created quite quickly. But as time went on, the speed at which the queue cleared slowed down severely, increasing the queue length. By 3AM EST, the queue was clearing about 30-50 per update and had grown to around 2000ish. Fast forward to now and we have a queue of 6k+ and the queue is clearing less than one game per 5-10 updates, which means that games are being created very slowly.

Further still, when I was playing during the early period of the queue increase, I had no less than 3 games outright disconnect me mid-play and leave me stuck until the database caught up and realized that my character was no longer in a game and reverted my character to the last point that the game server had sent a snapshot of my character status back to the database (this is one form of the failed to join problem that people can experience). This happens when a server shuts down with active games open, and while this does occasionally happen, this is typically somewhat rare and the servers usually come back up rather shortly. To have it happen 3 times in ~1 - 2 hours is very unlikely unless there is some problem.

With this in mind, a pretty reasonable hypothesis (IMO) is that there is some problem that is affecting all US East servers that is causing individual servers to crash and either not automatically reboot or hang. I can’t speak to what the bug is (memory leak, DDoS, game creation exploit to crash the servers, who knows what), but the bug is severe enough that it disables game servers one by one. This would explain why the problem starts slow and gets worse over time as servers begin to drop off, and after a while, the problem reaches the point where it’s at now where we’ve likely got 1 or maybe 2 servers working at all on US East, with zero games appearing for anyone in any game mode.

When people are in the office, the problem can be temporarily remedied by manually rebooting the servers, but since this problem started at roughly 7:30 PM PST, this was shortly after most people had left the building for the weekend and has left no one to put out the fires as they start. My guess is that until an actual fix to the problem is found (I really don’t understand why the code base for US East and West can’t be compared to fix the issue, or just go back to a previous revision), we’ll probably experience these issues on a regular basis - particularly on weekends.

Ultimately, something needs to be done to fix the root cause of the issue. To me, it seems clear that band-aids are being applied to the problem to temporarily fix a persistent problem. While a tourniquet can be applied to fix the immediate issue, it’s not a long term solution and creates more hassle for players and more work for employees.

Either that or buy some new hamsters.


I mean, it is 2020… c’mon now. Some of us have been playing since launch, (with breaks here and there) and today… “My only day off”, I really wanted to work on my toon…

Oh hey look they fixed the chat for about a day, and the queue’s for about 2 days… Now it’s all broken again… this is ridiculous.


Blizzard, whatever you did on Sunday, you need to do it again. US East is crashing. queue is rising dramatically and chat is dead. just a matter of time.

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Long queues are coming back! please help, D2 US East Ladder is unplayable again!

Thank the bots who are seemingly flooding the gates and blazing through games in less time than they’re left open, I guess. I also guess 2 days is the general timeframe the laziest bot runners looking for the highest of loot tables come to realize they’re not auto-running games anymore, imo? lol

If you look at the Join game list you will not be ported into the game at 0 but your game will still get made at that time – just join your game when your queue number should be 0, but isn’t.

it has nothing to do with bots. they aren’t flooding anything. stop spreading ignorance and giving Blizzard excuses to not fix their server.


It would be nice at least if we could get some kind of explanation as to why this keeps happening. Please give update soon.

It will be ‘fixed’ once Raymond the janitor makes his rounds back to the server room, he’ll hit the reset button with a backstroke of the mop handle.

Update: It looks like Raymond has completed his janitorial rounds through the server room, the queues are gone for now. Thanks Raymond!

Update2: Aaaaand it’s messed up again.


Why can’t you guys over at blizzard just fix the issue instead of resetting the server every time this happens?

They’re too busy auto-banning innocent customers for 2 weeks for trying to play on a business IP, or people at hotels traveling, or people on vacation to care.

Back at 1200+ queues already. Man you guys are gonna drive more and more people away… Bet you’re happy with yourselves…

We literally just want it to be fixed. Why can’t you do that for us? West is perfectly fine but you just keep resetting East every time something happens. How about actually fixing the freaking issue?!?!? Can’t you see the people still on east are pissed off?

east softcore ladder
the problem of long queue was fixed 3 days ago, and its going to be 4000 queue in next couple hours, and chat was out of function again since yesterday, can the tech support tell us why this happened again 2 days after we thought it was solved

edit:4500 queue currently

Its all the ppl runing a billion bots and as for chat i think they did that on purpose to help stop Chat bots and follower bots Everybody should wake up and realize Diablo 2 as a dead game its nothing but a cesspool of toxicity and cheaters whether they’re using third-party websites to conduct their illegal trades or selling of blizzards property or running that Sandibox program to run eight bots on one machine

its not bots. bots have been a part of d2 for almost 20 years and its never caused game queue problems.

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it’s not the bots. that’s just a scapegoat.

also if you run 8 bots on one machine, you get banned. dont spread ignorance.

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on east ladder, the queue is 6.4k now, why keep happening? where is the tech support? why cant you do something?!we dont.want to see “we aware” neithher “we will look into”, we want you DO IT NOW!!!!!

Edit: Ok great its fixed with no queue and chat available, i hope this would last longer,


USEast Ladder queue AGAIN

seriously blizzard, what gives?

you literally cannot provide reliable service


queue is rising fast. US East will be dead again before the end of the day.