Main Thread. Blizzard Agent went to sleep. Attempting to wake it up

same problem… worked earlier today, but at the same time launcher crashed the wow.exe file needs to be updated so cant log in that way either…

Same problem over here

This is a real hero right here…Can confirm this works

I’m IN!!! just go to retail hehhe

Same here, Uninstalled the app, now reinstalling it and its stuck on 45%. :frowning:

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Echoing the issue… also having the same problem for the past 30 minutes or so.

The exact same thing happened to me when I tried to reinstall.

Same Here, I tried deleting and reinstalling the app but the updating blizzard agent is stuck and the bar won’t move.

That indeed looks like a very plausible answer from their terribly poor support XD
Although not as poor as their Product Management team -_-

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Same here. Lets be patient I guess :slight_smile:

Same issue, I went to my COD MW directory and started the game. Only to get a nice BLZBNTBGS7FFFFF01 error.

It is Friday the 13th though. So yeah maybe that’s the real issue.


I followed Razz directions and it works. Probably some of the later suggestions do also. Here it is: You need to bypass the Battlenet App

Go & load from WoWclassic.exe and put in your email/username & PWD
The exe is in ProgramFilesx86, under classic.

yep that happened to me as well…

It’s happening to me too, and using the wow.exe just reopens my so I can’t use that as a work-around.

Edit: I had to dig through my folders and find the .exe for WoWClassic that wasn’t attached to the launcher. Then I could get in.

Same here, I’m on Win 7 cause I can’t stand Win 8 and 10. Was fine last night about 11:30 pm EST, 8:30 am EST no luck.

@BrianG1017 LMAO you win bro

Hey guys,

Don’t forget there is a direct application in your blizz folder that bypasses the Bt Net App. just gotta log in old school before BT Net was a thing.

Tried GPU launch still no joy, updated windows last night and run MW today no problem, just got booted mid game, now can’t get back on, tho battle net or GPU launch.

Tried the workaround and was able to load WoW retail however my authenticator won’t generate a code that allows me to login…

Does this work for WC3? If so what do I do?