Main Thread. Blizzard Agent went to sleep. Attempting to wake it up

Same issue. Updated everything, not working

Same issue here. Reinstalling battlenet does not help.


F you and your sloppy a** servers and app Blizzard!

same here. Tried every way but couldn’t solve the problem.

Same here , seems its a global issue :frowning:


Heya, seems to be a widespread issue. Its on blizzards end, not ours. for now, go find the folder for the game you want and just load the exe seperately from there, it’ll run perfectly fine.

Run the exe directly: D:\Games\Call of Duty Modern Warfare\ModernWarfare.exe

Worked for me.

Same here, me too. :grinning:


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It shows Login Error

Thank you!!! This actually worked.

Same issue here, tried all their ‘‘fixes’’ nothing worked sadly.

Having the same issue. Windows updated and now this issue is happening. Small indie dev company, software updates are too hard.

Having the same issue here, and running MW.exe gives a login error.

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i cant reinstall battlnet it brokes in installation

Come on! Why is it taking this long to solve a simple problem?

I was downloading call of duty and crashed ı hope ı won’t have to download again

Same issue :sweat:
I have re-installed but nothing

Confirmed…running Diablo 3 or WoW from their respective folders works, however all WoW servers are shown as “Incompatible”

Battlenet has contracted Corona Virus? :frowning: im 1 bar from lvl 40 and my first mount and its almost the weekend!!! WHY??