Ip ban? no problem

Since the support can’t help you in the matter, I will. 5 days of fooling around and I decided to take matters into my own hands.

If you also have had issues logging into D2, or other games on the old Battlenet platform cannot connect to battlenet for no apparent reason. Don’t fret, we have a solution since blizzard will NOT assist you in the matter.

If this is your internet connection and you have access to the router / modem… This is solely for you.

1.Log into your router whatever brand it may be.

2.Jot down your current PUBLIC IP address

3.Unplug your cable modem

4.In the Advanced settings go to Setup

5.Locate your MAC address more than likely the setting will be, “use default MAC address” change the setting to “USE computer MAC address”

6.Apply the setting and allow the router to reboot and adjust the settings.

7.After this plug back in your cable modem and switch back to the main screen in your router settings to check the IP address, more than likely you will be assigned a new IP address because of the change in MACs

Log into the game and have fun!
Enjoy never having the speak to the customer service.


If anyone knows how to do this on Bell Home Hub 3000 please post a guide…

To retrieve a new ip, it often takes several attempts and patience.
These are the steps that I use after logging into a Bell 3000:

  • find where your IP, User ID & Password (which is usually empty) is displayed
  • remember the last digit of your User ID, then delete the last digit of your User ID
  • log in with the password that is solely to be used with the User ID
  • because it does not recognize the altered User ID, you’ll get a cannot connect or some error that you are not connected to Bell’s server
  • wait at the very least 5 minutes
  • place back the original deleted digit of your User ID
  • log in with the password that is solely to be used with the full User ID
  • wait…
  • if your “new” ip is the same as the one that you had, you may have to keep repeating those aforementioned steps
  • if it is still not changing your ip, what I usually do is wait a longer period when at the cannot connect error part of these steps
  • if all those steps do not change your ip, you may have to just wait before trying again. Sometimes Bell’s servers do not readily give a new ip. In that case, just do something for like 30 mins and try those aforementioned steps again

Good luck!

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Really sucks not being able to control my router.

Pretty sure this isn’t my issue anyway.

I just get immediate disconnect at “Checking Versions”.


So I’m running into the same problem. I have a sagemcom fast 5260 router from spectrum. I’ve logged into the router but I do not see a advanced setting where I can change the MAC address? Any other way around this with this specific router. I really don’t want to wait the time to be able to play. Also I hate not knowing the exact time limit to the ban.

I did this and got a new IP address but it did not work. A new IP does not resolve the issue. My CD key and my diablo account have been flagged for 2 weeks. If I connect to my account using a new IP address + new CD keys, it flags the new public ip as well. The only way to play again is to do as you say but also buy the game AGAIN and then make a new account.

This is truly bs.

yo apparently I just got banned for switching character too quickly while transfering items on a mule?? seriously what the hell? There’s no support for this? like… will I ever be able to play on this account again? How long does it takes? I truly do not get it.

The support section is a JOKE.


Commenting to try later.

Yes, support is a joke. I realize D2 Resurrected will add the QOL improvements for stash we need to help prevent the constant switching to mules and back, but given that, Blizzard should fix this now for the people still supporting this 20 year old game. Bots are obviously still here, they’re obviously using coded timers to prevent being hit by the temp restriction, so it’s the human element of “I gotta get back to grinding” that leads to getting hit with a ban for swapping mules. Wtf.

This worked for the 2 week vpn ban. 2 weeks is absurd for a simple mistake.

tried it, but my isp locks internet connnection on specific mac address, so i cant clone mac.

yet my ip is dynamic and change when i reconnect, but cant get on…

my friend logged in my account to verify and the good news is that my char is perm and not on expire in 11 days (i had created this new char), so i wont lost any items on it… but yeah, i had connection issues yesterday (and still having, still laggy to play wow too) and was getting dced from games a lot, and wenting back, then i get that sh*t restriction…

Yeah I was muling and am on the dreaded vpn ban. Pretty lame cause I just started yesterday and someone hooked me up with stuff. What a way to come back after 15+ years

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Tried this with Verizon FiOS. Did not solve problem. After having a new IP assigned, I still get the disconnected from battle.net when checking versions.