type run in start bar, then open %appdata%, find battlenet folder and open via notepad to make adjustments for your region
Chinese version isnt working. Same problem of it getting stuck on the updating agent park
same for me in EU - not working updater is stuck ~40% and 0 traffic
I can’t change the target address using those commands, get an error saying it’s not valid. Tried “C:\Program Files (x86)\Battle.net\Battle.net Launcherd.exe –setregion=EU --setlanguage=enGB”
Hi, it’s --setregion=EU --setlanguage=enGB
i tried different stuff, what is “working” for me: just start the blizzard launcher, then cut the internet connection for at least 60-90sec so that it shows in the launcher that its offline, then enable it, and the download(of the game) should resume. This does not work for the launcher update, but it pauses and resumes the game update.
there is another thread for the same issue, and blizzard needs logs from us:
for the first percentages it is gone and now it is motionless please help me I want to play mw it is locked pls help me
Pffff the same shet, but with chinese letters, stuck in the same percent.
i cant figure out how to change the commands in the last part of the hotfix the part with the ‘’ AllowedRegions" “EU” how do i do this ?