Error Authenticate 2.34200

Been trying to login on Wc3 TFT since this morning and this error keeps popping up when i login with my account. I played other games, Starcraft 2 and seem to work fine, just Wc3 is having this issue.

Tried to reinstall the game, restart the laptop and still nothing.

Any help?

I’m actually having the exact same issue this morning, opened a ticket for it.

have they replied to you yet ?

No, not yet. Hopefully soon!


We are actively investigating this issue. We have a main tracking thread over Here.

Thank you.

Recently I’ve attempted to install Warcraft 3: classic on my laptop. I have already installed it on my PC, without any issue. I have pre-purchased Warcraft 3: Reforged.

After the finishing the install, when I login through Battle. net I receive the error “Failed to authenticate 2.34200”. I’ve tried reinstalling, restarting my laptop and reinstall Warcraft 3 on my PC, but now it just gives the same error.

Does anyone else experience this issue? Is there any known fix?


Yes, im actually getting the same problem right now id love too know why im having such huge issues with Wc3 currently, I literally only bought the new wc3 reforged too play wc3 tft and it wont authenticate my clearly purchased game

Error still persisting, since this morning. Still no fix :frowning: