Trying to start a ticket for in-game issues has become a joke for world of warcraft! I simply did not get a weekly bonus event quest a call to delves ( got it on my main just not on my alt)after researching could not figure out why so wanted to start a ticket (like I saw a lot of post from others who had the same issue) and unless you select the PAYMENT options which is crystal clear with arrows basically pointing to all options. Try to report a in game issue and it’s a cluster F of options that lead nowhere. Frustrating does not cover how many feel over this issue that seems to cover about all fronts on this game anymore
Wrong forum.
For issues with WoW, please use the WoW forums.
If you think you have encountered a bug, refer to: Report a Bug in World of Warcraft - Blizzard Support
Finally, there is a Customer Support category on the WoW forums… here:
That category acts as an Information Counter… the Blizzard staff who moderate and monitor that category aren’t Developpers (so they can’t fix bugs) and aren’t Game Masters (so they may not be able to fix game issues). But they may be able to provide info on this issue since you say it has been reported by others.
Best of luck in your games !