Probably. Necro is normally $15.
The bundle is $59.99 with cosmetics and D3 + D2R.
Why $20 more? Because the D3 bundle is $10 and the cosmetics are $10. If you already have D3 then you only pay the extra $10 for the cosmetics so your total will be $49.99.
For you, you are buying:
D2R for $40
D3 Cosmetics for $10
Necromancer for $2.49
That looks right to me.
Personally speaking, I was very much confused by the various packages and the pricing, and I ended up ignoring the one called “upgrade” since I already owned D3. I heard there were “extras” so assumed these extras was part of all the packages. I ended up buying the D2 only, and was completely disappointed to find out it didn’t include all of the extras, only some recipes which really kind of suck and do nothing anything.
naming something as “upgrade” when it really isn’t an upgrade at all, is very deceiving and dishonest. those extras should not have had any type of pricing. no one should have to pay 10$ for pets / wings when they’re free during game and seasons.
Honestly, this was my first pre-order (via playstation store) for any Blizzard related game. and I can honestly say, it will be the last as well. If this is really what Blizzard thinks of its customers to charge them and deceive them like this (I mean just read this thread… I’m not the only one who obviously feels this way), then why bother supporting them.
At this point, Blizzard should refund anyone who paid extra for the “upgrade” and give the cosmetics for free to anyone who bought D2, period. They need to make this right.
Those particular pets and wings are not. If you want them you can purchase them. If you want the free ones then you can get the free ones of course.
No thanks, I’m not -that- desperate. Kinda missed the whole point, but I also expected that. This just reinforces what I said before, and my decision on spending any money or pre-orders from Blizzard. I did share my experience with some friends who were debating on buying the game, and I am happy to share that they’ve decided against it based on my experiences here and this rip-off by Blizzard.
Very disappointing.
That is fine of course. I just don’t understand why you thought the wings and pet were free. They never were. That seems like an odd misunderstanding.
D2R is $40
Wings/Pet $10
D3 if you don’t have it is $10
The pre-order gives a free transmog for D3.
The Blizzard site states:
“The Prime Evil Collection includes Diablo II: Resurrected and the Diablo III Eternal Collection. If you already own any of the items in the Diablo III Eternal Collection, the price of the Prime Evil Collection will be adjusted so you only pay the difference.” (Diablo II: Resurrected Products and Upgrades - Blizzard Support)
They don’t mean you pay the difference of what you already paid and the price of the collection. They mean “you only pay the difference” between the total price of the collection and their new arbitrary value of that content you already have.
Is it legal to simultaneously charge 39.99 for content but value it at 10.00 in an upgrade, while telling customers that they will only be charged “the difference”?
Yes. They are offering a D3 bundle on sale for $10. That is the value of it for this purchase.
I bought it full price so I paid a total of $115 for D3, D3: ROS, and the Necro pack. That does not mean I get to credit that towards the D2R purchase and get it all for free.
If all you want is the D2R game you should get that for $40. Thee rest is cosmetics or D3 which it sounds like you already have.
i love how this issue has still not been resolved lol. i own Diablo 3 and the prime evil upgrade is only Discounted by $5 (54.99) yet the Full Prime Evil Collection is on sale for $35.99 but where i own Diablo 3 buying the full collection isnt even an option the check out page lmao
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I’m having the same issue I own the standard diablo 3 so I figured I’d just pick up the prime evil collection for 35.99 but it continues to force the prime evil upgrade into my cart that sells for 54.99.
Got redirected here by a game master after posting a support ticket for this.
What i think is happening is , if you own d3, you CANNOT buy the collection ( even if it shows, discounted)
Clicking it will instead buy the prime evil upgrade, which is 54.99 and not on sale.
So… basically if you already have d3, you have a NEGATIVE DISCOUNT of 19€ XD
I wonder if i can remove a past purchase from the account, just so i can buy with the real discount.
I’m having the same problem.
I own D3 vanilla + ROS, whenever I click on “Buy” Prime Evil Collection ($35.99), check out page will always be the upgrade ($52.49).
And no, I’m not gonna pay extra money for the “Upgrade”
If you create a new account then you can buy the Diablo Prime Evil Collection for $35.99.
Existing customers get to pay extra
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Same problem here. GMs said all they could do was refund the difference to my Balance if I bought the full price upgrade (lol), which is not a solution.
I won’t buy then as I feel it unfair we who own d3 got to buy it at higher price than who didnt own d3 in the first place. Summer sale should be sth make ppl happy but not this one. Feeling dumb enough to be their royal customer.
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So this is an issue from last year and it still hasn’t been fixed? The best option they give you is to pay for it, the full upgrade, and you may get your money back through contacting support?
Yup and you don’t even “really” get your money back because it goes to your “ Balance”. Not to your credit card…I think I would actually buy it using the full price/refund method if the refunded difference actually went back to my credit card.
Also raised a ticket about this and got identical results.
Got told by a GM that if you already own a part of the Prime Evil Collection, then you can only buy the pro rata “Upgrade”. Which conveniently never goes on sale and costs more…
Sent here by a GM with no real solutions. They suggest that I could buy it full price ($55 to “upgrade” from D3) and request a refund. So you “might” get the difference back, probably not including tax, and in the form of a balance. That is not a solution. I’m trying to get them to delete my D3 from my account so I can buy it at the sale price.
If they are unwilling to do that, I might try to make a new account and purchase the prime evil collection and gift it to my real account. -shrug- This might be a decent workaround.
Just tried, you can’t gift the collection.
“Your friend already owns this product”. I only have base d3…
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Damn I was hoping that would be a decent workaround. I am attempting to get the GMs to remove my D3 so I can purchase the package. Will update further.