Diablo Prime Evil Collection Upgrade is priced incorrectly?

so after reading all this were there an issue because i feel ive been cheated a bit right now. i pre ordered full evil pack but just now realising i paid 74.99$cad(79.99cad full price) and realising just now that i had already d3 and all the expansion and diablo 2 in my games. i though upgrading with all my original game would have made me a discount but it doesnt add up for a 5$ discount . like im literaly having only the wing and pet for 20$cad

any idea or place to get real info on that ?

Since I have D3 already, I have 2 options: 1. $39.99 for D2R including early access to the beta and a D2 themed Barbarian transmog* for D3.
2. $49.99 for D2R plus wings* and a pet* for D3.

Does the $49.99 version include early access or not? Why does it only mention early access for the $39.99 version?

What is the going rate for wings and pets in D3 these days? Why would they be valued at $10 if they are for a whole game that is only adding another $10 for those that don’t have it yet?

This makes it seem like Blizzard expects their loyal fans to pay more for next to nothing. Maybe I should wait to buy D2R after D4 to see if it’s $10 by then.

*The description in the store page has three *s but never explains what the * means.

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Support referred me here, though I’m sure I’ll get lost in the amount of replies here and won’t get the attention I’d expect with this issue.

I want to buy Diablo 2 Resurrected, but I don’t get the Mephisto Pet or Hatred’s Grasp Wings unless I buy the Diablo Prime Evil Collection? What’s the point in that since I’ve already bought everything Diablo 3 has to offer. D3, D3 Expansion, Necro add-on. Am I to be penalized because I don’t need or want to re-buy the contents of the Evil Collection?
I bought all 3 of D3 as they came out so they cost me:
D3 - $49.99
D3 Add-on - $39.99
D3 - Necro Add-on - $15.99
Total = $105.97
So unless I buy the Evil Collection as is, that contains all of the above including the “free” cosmetics I actually get penalized by $10. How does that make any sense? And how do you honor your longstanding and dedicated players that have been playing since day 1, not just in D3, but D2 as well, and D1 most likely?
You say if I already own items from the Evil Collection that the price would reflect that. I see no change at all in the price even when I advance to the final confirmation.


Yes. The properties of the base item carry over to the higher level bundles.

They don’t sell wings and cosmetics separately for Diablo 3 like they do for WoW. In this case, the valued the whole D3 bundle of games at $10 and the cosmetics at $10. Considering there are no real comparisons it is hard to give a going rate.

The price is adjusted based on the keys on your Battlenet account that you complete the purchase with.

Base D2R is $39.99 USD.
D3 collection is $10
Cosmetics are $10

The price you should pay for the base D2R + cosmetics is $49.99.

It should not charge you for the D3 game keys if you have them on the Bnet account.

If you are worried, just get the base edition of D2R. It lets you upgrade to the cosmetics later for the $10 price. I checked my own account because that is what I did…and I have not bought the cosmetic upgrade yet.

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MissCheetah, how does that make any sense?
Base D2R is $39.99 USD.
D3 collection is $10
Cosmetics are $10

I already have the contents of the D3 collection so what are you charging us for? Where do you get that the cosmetics are priced @ $10? They’ve always been free for buying the D3 Collection, but you have many players that have everything within the D3 Collection, so you want to charge them something for nothing? Why say they’re $10 when they didn’t have a price before? The cosmetics should be free with the D2R Upgrade for those that already own all of the contents of D3. Not try to backtrack and say oh, actually the cosmetics are $10. That’s not what was said in the beginning. Did you see what I paid in buying them as they were released in the past?

This goes back to the fact that you’re not honoring loyalty and dedication to the game, you just want more money. How does this equate to being “great value” to us? Maybe marketing thought we’d be stupid enough not to realize we’d be paying $10 more for… nothing? That’s insulting to our intelligence.

I have already asked twice, but I will ask this again, since you guys are confused on what to say regarding this, because you don’t really know, please escalate this to the sales/marketing teams.


I am just another player. I am not charging you for anything!

They did not break out the price. I had to sort it out on my own.

D2R alone is $39.99
The bundle is $59.99 with cosmetics and D3 + D2R.

Why $20 more? Because the D3 bundle is $10 and the cosmetics are $10. If you already have D3 then you only pay the extra $10 for the cosmetics so your total will be $49.99.

This is what was said in the beginning the day they made the announcement. That is why the price breakdown in this thread is months old.

What is NEW is that there is an additional cosmetic set that you get for free for D3 when you buy D2R. They announced that the other week when they gave the release date.

The original that comes with the bundle. If you already have D3 then it does not charge you the $10 for D3. It is NOT a loyalty reward for having D3. :arrow_down:

The Diablo® Prime Evil Collection contains Diablo® II: Resurrected™, Diablo® III: Eternal Collection, and the Mephisto pet and Hatred’s Grasp wings for Diablo® III. If you already own any content from the Diablo® Prime Evil Collection, you can purchase the Diablo® Prime Evil Upgrade at a lower price to get the remaining content that you do not already own.

The NEW stuff that comes FREE with the base pre-purchase of D2R (Barbarian transmog). This kind of is a loyalty reward because if you have D3 then this is the free cosmetic. :arrow_down:

The Diablo® II-themed Barbarian transmog for Diablo® III will be available in-game by September 24, 2021. This is a pre-purchase bonus that will only be available to players who purchase before September 24, 2021.

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When I said “you” I was referring to “Blizzard”, of course.
The one thing you’re still not getting is that the original cosmetics are free. At least stated to be free in the beginning. If they then incurred a cost they should’ve mentioned it and not toss it at us as if to say “didn’t you know?” and cause this type of confusion. That’s very poor communication. Even then you are surmising, but don’t know. I could surmise that, and did, but it doesn’t make sense and surely seems like a way to penalize longstanding players.

I’m not trying to be rude to you, it’s awesome that you’re helping and trying to decipher this issue, but we’re not getting answers, we’re getting guesses. Since you’re another player, I would like to know why they, “Blizzard”, haven’t escalated this to sales and marketing as requested for an answer? They should be able to answer this correctly without all this back and forth.

Which cosmetics are you referring to specifically?

There are two sets of cosmetics associated with the Prime Evil Collection:

  1. The Mephisto pet and Hatred’s Grasp Wings. Those were always part of the Prime Evil Collection and from what I remember were never free. I bought the PEC very early on and they weren’t free then. At that time, I already owned D2R and vanilla D3. The leftover price was $15 ($5 for the D3 upgrades and $10 for the cosmetics).

  2. The Barbarian tmog set. Those were added as a D2R prepurchase bonus after the fact. Those could be considered free because D2R’s price didn’t go up when they were added.

Just as an aside, the Spectral Hound pet, helm tmogs and Malthael tmogs are not part of the Prime Evil Collection. Those are part of the D3 Digital Deluxe upgrade. I just mention them to avoid any confusion.

The ones they mentioned you’d get “for free” if you bought the Evil Collection when they initially started announcing D2:R. Folks that already owned the games in D3EE don’t get anything special for having bought them at a much higher price previously. Nice. Any word from marketing and / or sales?

D2R was announced at Blizconline on Feb 19th. I purchased the Prime Evil Collection the next moring which included the two cosmetics the same as they are today.

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No, they did not say those were free. I am not sure where you got that idea.

They were, and always have been, part of the Evil Collection you paid more money for.

Correct. Owning the D3 games had no impact on the cost of the cosmetics in the Bundle. It has been that way since they announced it and started selling it in Feb.

You seem to have made an incorrect assumption that they were at some point free - and they never were.

No, not an assumption - I’m pretty positive they were a free gift for buying the Evil Collection. They certainly never said they were an added cost. What kind of draw card would that be? I’m also not sure where you got that idea. You yourself didn’t know until you deduced by calculating that it could only possibly mean that the cosmetics are $10 above. Now you’re positive they were never free to begin with?
Has this been sent to marketing and sales? Broken record here …

Thing is, CoZMo1, I bought the bundle the morning after it appeared on the shop, which was the morning after D2R was announced, and like I pointed out above, the cosmetics in the bundle were always $10. In fact, immediately after the bundle hit the store, MissCheetah made a post breaking down the cost of each part, which showed that the cosmetics were $10 from the very start.

So you seem to be misremembering, or are confusing this with something else.

Sorry, not misremembering nor am I confused with something else. Both what you and Cheetah said are assumptions. I know what I did and did not read. Don’t tell me, point out where it’s stated from Blizzard.
What answer did you get from marketing and/or sales? I know I’ve asked this a few times before. That’s the only answer I care for now.

Nothing has been sent to sales and/or marketing. Neither MissCheetah nor I are Bliz employees.

Furthermore, when purchasing the bundles, the price breakdown that MissCheetah and I independently encountered are not assumptions. They are overtly visible numbers that were the exact same back then as they are today.

If you can cite sources or any other kind of evidence to the contrary, you might have a case. But keep in mind, two people in this thread who purchased the bundle when it was released saw the price breakdown first hand. The cosmetics offered in the bundle were never free.

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For those who already have D3 + RoS + Necro pack like I do, the Prime Evil Upgrade should’ve included the cosmetics (Mephisto pet, Hatred’s Grasp wings, Barbarian transmog set) for free and the total cost should’ve been $40.

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The barbarian mogs are. Theyre not part of the collection.

Nothing personal, it’s just business

Thank you, this totally sorts it out. Much appreciated!

I have D3, RoS but not Necro but price is $52.49, is this correct?
seems high to have all that content except Necro just to be $6 less of the entire package