Diablo II R: Characters are missing and long load screen

I log in this morning and all my MP caracter are missing

Same here. This is the second night in a row this has occuredā€¦

Same here. I waste more time waiting than playing.

yep same hereā€¦ cannot connect to server etc

guess new world wins my attention this morning

Cannot connect to Bnet server for D2Rā€¦

Same here. Was playing for a couple hours. Then it started bogging down. Then my characters ALL disappeared and now it canā€™t connect at all. Epic Fail.

Whew, I thought it was just me. I hope this gets fixed quickā€¦I was wanting to get some game time in today.


This post is from when it happened yesterday, the issue was ā€œfixedā€ 5 hours later. Round and round we go.

Me too, servers down again (((

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Hey Blizzā€¦If this were WoW, this would never happenā€¦ Fix the dang servers for GOOD.

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Same problem here, all characters gone.

all goneā€¦hope this time they gonna come backā€¦lost my assassin lev 72 last week and never come back

Thank god its not just me haha

that what i said last weekā€¦but my assassin never come backā€¦

Online-character screen empty after launching game, cannot connect to battle net.

This is not even remotelly fun, since this was ā€œmy timeā€ from hectic family schechule which I am now using watching empty character screen and waiting when I have to drive my family back home from play-dateā€¦

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Online-Charakters are missing

If Blizzard is like the rest of the country, theyā€™re probably short staffed. Probably put masks on the servers too and now they have restricted air flow.

Same here, cannot connect to battle.net.

Fxxx from Aus! cannot connect to server!? wt hell is this! Where is My Character!? MY GEARS! MAN!