Diablo 4 beta weekend client

I’ve been queuing since noon and still unable to log in. I’ve been getting some sweet 3000022 errors saying “there was a problem logging in”. I’d be stoked just to see the character select screen lol

In my opinion. While you can prepare for a number of users. You cant predict how the servers will react to that load. Nor can you predict if the current servers will have some sort of malfunction while running on a high load. Now I am not here to defend them. I am just here to say, errors and bugs can happen and most time are unforeseen. It is just not possible to be ready for everything. So, be patient and wait while they resolve whatever issue is stopping us from playing. This is just the first day and the first few hours. Still a lot of time to play the beta.

While I agree with the premise of your statement, I would add that this game has been in some version of development for nearly a decade. Preorder has been ongoing for awhile now. This isn’t an indie game, but a game from a seasoned AAA developer that helped pioneer MMO gaming. Big money market analysts have been structuring the projected preorder numbers for a long time. Server preparation “should” have been accomplished long before today…


Yeah I’m just going to say this now Blizzard once again you have managed to royally effed up You guys have had pre-order numbers for as long as I can remember and yet you still have people in over our long cues so this is just as simple as this Me and the over 15,000 people in my stream are going to be refunding the game and we will not be purchasing it until it is on sale because we are not dealing with another Diablo 3 Activision you effed up once again and you blew it You just completely ruined it You ruined a perfectly good game You guys had the information you guys had everything you need and you guys still couldn’t do it right You guys still couldn’t polish the most simple bit of the experience why would I waste $70 on a game that I can’t play for the first two weeks because you guys can’t have proper servers or maybe you shouldn’t have made the game effin only online to begin with This isn’t up for debate we’re not changing our mind I can’t convince every person in my stream but I’m going to convince every person I can and not just the people in my stream I’m going to reach out to all the content creators and hopefully I can get most of them to boycott this sorry joke

omg what a spoiled little brat comment. So it took a couple hours to log into a trial of a game…my wait time is now at 198 mins

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Please use the D4 Forums for feedback, issues and bugs on that game:

For those stuck in long waiting lines… there is a reply by Blizzard here:

It took me 10 after start time to get a 5 minute que. Thereafter, it has crashed 2-3 times. When I get back in, it will have been over 2 hours in que.

Made it to Kyovashad. Saw Lothar get on a horse and CRASH to a 65 minute queue. Screw this, I’m back to D3.

Hey, nice 2 hours run before disconected. I like to see more. D4 has D1 climate (EXTREME ++++++++++++++++) but it seems empty at the moment. I’m waiting to see more

I’m excited to come across the super fans that try to claim things like “it’s beta, what’d you expect?”

I expect the multi, multi billion dollar corporation that RuNs OnLiNe GaMeS to be able to spin up enough authentication and game servers to handle the load they are most certainly acutely aware of down to the individual.

This’ll be more fun than this purposely-FOMO-inducing beta weekend could have ever been.

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Ich kenne Blizzard seid Lost Vikings auf Amiga und zum Anfang von Warcraft, Diablo und das TRAURIGE ist das es nie fehlerfrei lief .Es ist und bleibt zum kotzen .

Your not missing anything, tested it for a bit and it is yotally unplayable bs. This is a copy and paste of wow with a diablo overlay its complete garbage had i known that they were building a diablo thened wow i would have stuck to d3

Did they close beta? I pre-ordered on the xbox store and i dont see a beta version to download and when i open the game it just says “too early, no access”? Did i do something wrong? my battle nets linked, games bought and downloaded and still nothing.

Search for diablo 4 open beta in the store.

188 minute long queue, i can accept 60-80 minutes but 188 is a bit ridiculous coming from an online game developper. dont tell me that even with some difficulty you didnt know how many ppl would try the BETA

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Paid 150$ for the Ultimate edition, got to play about an hour and been kicked multiple times all over 60 minute waits. Waste of money atm


yep same story for me, way to go Blizzard continue sh…ing in the face of ppl that gave you over a hundred buck for no show of appreciation

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got to play for about 10 to 20 mins right away then i got kicked and have been on queue for the rest of the day

im on game now but i got error code 316719 when i press play i dont want to close game and open back for wait 180min and more … all diablo is the same bug lol i think you need to add 2 day more for the beta we wasted 1 day on bug easy …

This is not 2 days of beta. It’s 4 hours of games and not 48 hours (2 day) of beta. 46 hours of queue.when you play more than 20 minutes its makes you leave and you need to wait 2-3 hours for playing again … Please add 2 more day … or 1. otherwise we prepay The Game for Nothing …

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