i just got hit with the ban as well for using a vpn. had this game in my library for a long time. back when i got it it was free. but having asked my friends to play with me i see you all raised the price to 10$ for base diablo 2 and an additional 10$ for lord of destruction. if you guys are going to put a price back onto this, as you say, “end of life” game knowing people will buy it in preparation for the remaster, the least you all can do is give this game a bit of support to make it playable in todays environment.
You cant call it end-of-life in terms of support, but put a active-playerbase price tag on it. i swear, blizzard has been absolute garbage the past 5 years or so. im about one more tournament speech banning, gender inequality policy, “you all not have phones?”, general blizzard-screwup from joining the boycott for anything blizzard related.
Just wanted to add my own experience with this issue.
Turns out Diablo 2 multiplayer is just impossible to get working for me.
I tried all the “solutions” proposed except buying new keys, which I’m not planning too.
I filed multiple tickets with blizzard support, every time they say you have to wait two weeks and mark the case as resolved, everytime I try to play again it adds two more weeks.
Seems like my current keys are contaminated with blizzards incompetence.
The excuse they’re giving “this is what you get for trying to play such an old game” is absolute bull. This is the ONLY old game that gives me this crap.
I spent hours trying to figure it out, just because I felt nostalgic and wanted to play some diablo 2.
Seems like Blizzards just wants you to buy the Diablo 2 remaster instead of trying to fix it.
Give us the source coded for you ancient battlenet then, if blizzard doesn’t want to put time in it, let the fans fix your problems, they’ll even do it for free.
I am simply astonished at this response! I can honestly say that I am truly an original Blizzard fan. I remember the birth of Diablo 2. I was there and on Bnet on Diablo , Starcraft/BW, Warcraft 2 & 3. Hell I’ve played EVERY Bnet game religiously while it was fresh and new. I’ve lost ALL my accounts from those days due to the 90 day login policy but I understand server resource mitigation. It was these games that got me interested in computers and ultimately led me to get my Bachelor’s degree in IT- ISS. But…I see a world of problems and the change of consumer treatment by Blizzard comparing from then to now.
I remember leaving Bnet in 2004 when World of Warcraft came out (thus why I lost my original accounts). I was one of those that refused to pay-to-play a game after it’s purchase but Blizzard’s customer service and support group was top notch then. I was “hacked” and someone deleted all my characters on my WoW account. I called up support…YES THERE WAS A PHONE NUMBER TO ACTUALLY TALK TO SOMEONE! By the end of that phone call I had everything fixed/replaced, etc. I was shocked, pleasantly of course, and thought, “WOW…now that’s service!” It was a pleasant experience outside of being “hacked”. But THIS…What happened? Is it the Activision influence?
So it is Blizzard’s intention to prohibit/punish the play activity of the legit community. The complaint’s have been going on for YEARS as I read these forums. Never a good idea to ignore the consumer as Blizzard found out with Mists of Pandaria. The MoP was a flop! lol But this didn’t really phase me so much as this did…
This is such a load of…Bologna! Blaming the ease of legit play from the past and comparing it to the nearly unplayable game now on old technology vs. new technology? Just WOW man! You said yourself…
It worked as intended back in the day as well. Matter of fact…the community barely tolerated the excessive restrictions to gameplay back then as we understood due to those “prohibited behaviors” you mentioned. For example…we didn’t have VPN’s back in the day. VPN’s are used to encrypt in/out network traffic for security purposes. Yet their use is prohibited as it is possible to change your IP address on-the-fly to avoid those pesky Realm Down messages from joining too many games too fast. BTW…we used to use dial-up connections to avoid this (some used proxies and still do).
So the end user has to “expose” themselves in order to be able to play. Not only is this policy unethical but unnecessary. Did blizzard forget about updating the game warden? Did they forget how they used to ban accounts as a mitigation tactic? The IP bans are pointless and only affect the legit player.
I was one of those myself that has been victim to the IP ban for use of a VPN right after I redeemed my 16 character keys to a 24 character keys so I could play on Bnet. I had no idea this was “illicit activity” since we didn’t have them back in my day. So upon updating my game and converting my keys and all that…I had a few minutes of game play before i was banned for 3 days. Guess I was lucky it wasn’t 14 days and so forth and now after about a month of playing and rebuilding, I am assuming i’ve been IP banned again for no reason as my client tells me “Battle.net is not responding.” This is not “mitigation” when you can’t even log in to possibly perform those “prohibited behaviors” that set off the automatic mitigation script you all use.
To conclude this book…I am shocked at the reasoning given at every turn by Blizzard officials. Auto-scripting mitigation policies are only a first step for severe issues that arise. Where’s the follow-through? You all have it set to ‘paranoid’ and just left it that way…FOR YEARS! Where’s the hands-on attention? Seems like you all have a set-it-and-forget-it mentality and simply walk by the server and see the light on and call it good-to-go. It’s no wonder why there is a boycott movement underway against Blizzard.
There’s a lot there with quite a bit of repetition. I’ll try to pull out the points as I pass them:
There still is for most technical and account level issues. It’s currently not in service because support agents are working from home due to the pandemic.
If you mean the temporary play restrictions in legacy D2, there are factors to consider. First, the game is very old and has been out of development for a long time. Bliz isn’t going to crack it open to start developing it again. Second, the original Battlenet is primitive compared to the modern Battlenet. It’s security and stability systems are antiquated. It’s limited on what measures can be put in place to keep it secure and stable. Third, like I mentioned in the post you quoted, the temporary play restrictions exist for security and stability, without which it would be far worse.
Of course not. As an IT professional you must understand that measures like these aren’t intended to punish any legitimate users. They’re intended to impede illegitimate users, and in the case of D2, to do so in the confines of the technology.
I’m sorry you think so, but again, without the play restrictions, it would be far worse.
That I’m going to disagree with you here. You seem to be inflating the fact that you don’t like systems to also mean that it virtually makes the game unplayable. I have no problem playing the game at any point since the temporary play restrictions were implemented. And if I haven’t, many, many others haven’t either.
The hacking/cheating industry is a very organized and very worldwide business. Those in the business want to hide themselves and/or give themselves multiple chances to connect for illicit purposes, both of which a VPN does. It goes hand in hand with why business class IP’s are also prohibited. It certainly wasn’t implemented solely to prevent players from circumventing a different play restriction.
The game and the service are out of development.
They still do ban waves.
That’s very obviously not the case. The system was put in place to mitigate ongoing illicit connections, meaning they do. Thus they are neither pointless nor do they only affect legitimate players.
It’s a prohibited behavior. Illicit activity is using the service for unintended purposes, such as cheating.
I wouldn’t assume anything. The legacy servers do have issues occasionally. There’s been a long running issue with USWest and USEast had trouble for a couple hours last night. If you don’t know why you can’t connect, contact support. They can tell you if your under a restriction or not.
Again, simply not liking the system doesn’t negate its purpose. Regardless if it snares legitimate players too, it does prevent many illicit connections.
Again, there isn’t any follow though. The game and the old Battlenet are long out of development. They are presented “as is” (which is also how the modern games and modern Battlenet are presented).
That’s simply unfair, Xephian. What’s been going on recently isn’t due to D2’s condition, or Battlenet’s condition, or anything else related to the game services, and I believe you know that.
Are the play restrictions as convenient as modern day countermeasures? Definitely not. But with the technology’s limitations, it’s what is possible. The system is quite literally the least of many necessary evils.
Leviathan…First I would like to say thank you for reading my entire rant and, seemingly, taking it as intended; constructive criticism. I still love Blizzard games, though I’ve been losing faith, and am simply disgusted with how this epically legendary game has been left by the wayside. I have a soft spot, admittingly, for Diablo. The fact that you not only read my entire post AND took the time to respond in kind says a lot in my humble opinion. Thank you for that Leviathan. A small bit of faith is restored in Blizzard’s customer service. We don’t have to agree on every point and I respect your opinions, though this is not the proper forum for this kind of debate. You did make good points, and I think the most important take away from this is…
This game is no longer supported and provided as-is. Therefore, there should be no expectations; either present or future.
this is so bs, today I tried to move items belong my characters and got kicked from bnet because I changed characters 4-5 time.
Now I have the temporary ban, *****
Very funny, such a troll moderator.
No, it’s not normal to be banned 14days for no reason, i’m not using bot, i’m not using hack, I did nothing wrong and now I can’t play for 14 days
I play diablo 2 from +/-10 days, it mean in 14days all my items holder character will be expired; very nice situation
You’re equating not liking that you were restricted with it being for no reason. It was appied for a reason, and you even seem to know what the reason was.
Not all temporary play restrictions are 14 days. Some are as short as 24 hours. If you want find out how long yours is, see this post.
I’m not a moderator.
All I’ve done is describe how the system works. Simply not liking what’s been said doesn’t make it trolling, DemKy.
I just also got an IP banned while mulling !! that’s perfect !! i lost items while muling (multiple in and outs) ! thanks a lots meanwhile bots are flooding in the game and they don’t seem to be affected tbh !! yeah ofc those restriction really affects hacks … (irony).
@Leviathan Your previous answers are not reasonnable that’s all ! and i agree with most of other users here the only people being Ip banned are mostly legit players because they don’t think of those kinf of restriction 24h/24h Right ? so only legit players got this ! it’s just normal and works as inted (irony again) ! so it’s intended to punish legit players ?
other point, like most of people now have a vpn incorporated with antivirus !!! don’t you think people could probably activates this while D2 was running but never on purpose to hack or whatever you think ! don’t you think that nowaday you activate a VPN while purshasing on internet to secure datas while other programs are running (let’s say something like Diablo 2 maybe) ? be smart sometimes ! it’s scandalous and you can’t try to find any argument to say "it’s normal you have been banned, you did use things on purpose " … Man no ! nowadays it’s not on the purpose you think ! and i will add that legit players might have left the game because of things like that that affects more legit player than hackers ! that’s all, and it’s factual !
just do something instead of saying “ho you know it’s antique” and “there is no more devs” … Maybe you should ask yourself why so many people left the game during the last 2 years ! might be time to take in consideration D2 community feedbacks !
Games that still have servers must be at last something with a little bit of administration and support to make evolutions. Otherwise cut the servers and stop the games you can’t handle … and but don’t sell cd key for D2 classic and LOD for such a price without having a minimum of maintenance and supervision on the game !
last thing, i ll quote you :
with D2R recent dev the code hasn’t been opened ? really ? i trully wonder why no evolution like notification alerting that using vpn will result in ban if user don’t disable it ? was that really that hard to implement such a simple feature ? anyway, I think i made my point, And from my first edition of my post, i can see that you are not answering at all to the arguments i point out here … maybe am I too in the truth to be counter argued …
The reason I haven’t jumped right in to answer you is that I and others, including Bliz, have addressed these concerns ad nauseam over the years
There comes a time when repeating oneself over and over becomes in vain because players don’t understand or simply don’t like the system. It’s as those times that I take break, let some time pass, then resume as the information gets buried.
Beside, in cases like this thread, all that’s been provided, your “truth”, is disdain for the system. That however doesn’t change the reality that if you choose to play legacy D2, you choose to play it as is.
As to your edit about development, D2R is a separate copy of the game, so no, the legacy version of the the game is not being reopened for development that we know of. And its a safe bet it won’t ever be because with D2R there’s no longer a need.
What a terrible answer … so it means blizz will continue to sell D2 classic & LoD CD with this price while not all people will go on D2R. So you ll stay with bots, trying useless banwaves, and keeping those restictions that absolutly don’t bother hackers at all, nor even adding a simple notification about VPN witch is here the main concern for players …
being banned for 14 days because you forgot to disable the VPN yeah that’s totally a way to listen to legit players issues and a very good way to make thing right ofc … Your answer is absolutly in the way to say to people Go on D2R you have no choice ! pay 40$ to play the game without ban or bots (mmhh i really care about those hacks or bans comming again, and i bet there will be a lot ! no waffles plz, we already saw feedback from D2R ip ban with VPN … again and now the game il not old …).
it’s now money as the main activision concern and this since years and years right? this is my conclusion of all what you say and that’s factual again … sorry to say that, and i bet you know it’s true. beside that for the D2R dev, they did opened the code … it was said in the blizzconline interviews. so don’t sell me that it’s not the same base whereas blizzard have been saying the total opposite … this is just some sort of waffles, bad faith and commercial strategy answer. no offense, i am customer and i tell what i have to tell i paid for thing and you will have to ear it no matter what. this is how it works. and seeing you are not taking any consideration to feedback means everything. period
That’s a perfect example of players jumping to conclusions without an understanding of what’s really going on. I’m sorry, MetalPriests, but your claim specifically is baseless because you are not privy to anything could support it. You don’t even seem to have a basic understanding about how the cheating undustries work.
That suggestion has been made many times. But it falls to the Classic team (the developers) to decide if they want it or not.
As for the rest of your post, yes you don’t like the system. But again, you choose to accept it if you choose to the play the game… something that has been said countless times. You do indeed have the choice.
thanks for your answers even if you are patronizing. i have to say i really appreciate ! posting here seems to have no sens because it’s like not being heard of anything. i think i made my point on this thread. And it seesm useless to continue posting here. Just be aware that what made blizzard famous is just now on tightrope. Because feedbacks are not taken seriously as it was back in the days. just for information i Have been playing blzz game for very very very long time now and i feel really disapointed on your answers. i just wanted you to know that for my last post on this thread ! bye.
That’s correct. No development team (for any of the Bliz games) collect feedback from the support forums. They do however collect feedback, suggestions, etc from the various discussion forums. Of which, legacy D2’s can be found here.
So what the point of your work if it’s not repporting bugs that are shared here ? well i guess i won’t discuss here about how is done the “team” work organisation since it seems obvious regarding your answer that tech support doesn’t communicates with other branches in blizzard what a strange way to work in team Anyway have a good day i won’t argue anymore with you, no offence (again) i know it’s a time loss but i will widly share this very interesting conversation of how does blizzard staff considers the customers. if you want the last word go for it i won’t answer the next one ! see ya and be suhe i will share this topic.
This particular forum is for toubleshooting technical issues with the older games, such as D2. Installation, patching, crashes, etc. It’s for assistance with things that aren’t intended.
Tech support does communicate with other departments. However, its role isn’t to be a liaison to the development teams. Depending on the game, either the developers collect feedback directly themselves, or community managers collect it and send it to them.
Then why are you asking me legitimate questions? You’re asking me to have the last word.
Yup disconnection issues again no big surprise here, Their coming out with a new version and they want you to buy that one and abandon the old version. And yes by the time the old one comes back online if it ever does the character saves and accounts will be deleted🤦♂️
Here is the Official 1.14D Patch. No longer must one go to a sketchy site, here is the real deal. I have no idea why Blizzard attempted to scrub it from the US site, but it’s really not gone from the EU version ;).
haytch tee tee pee ://ftp.blizzard.com/pub/diablo2exp/patches/PC/LODPatch_114d.exe
and for those pesky mac users, myself included,
haytch tee tee pee ://ftp.blizzard.com/pub/diablo2exp/patches/Mac/LOD_Patcher_114d.app.zip