Well everyone I have some news, from my journey through all of this, just to try and play this game which I’ve owned for 10+ years with a friend, who just recently purchased the game.
Mind you, this is my 4th <------ attempt to contact support over the past couple days only to get absolutely nowhere, I started to get slightly upset.
Info: You are now chatting with Ankunine.
Ankunine: Hey! Game Master Ankunine here! How are you today?
You: Well I’ve been better, third times the charm hopefully
Ankunine: I see you have some follow up questions about connecting to classic battlenet?
You: Yes, our chat was disconnected with the last fella, he sent a message claiming I have an IP restriction, I
haven’t played Diablo II NOR had it installed in over 10 years, I try and have been trying for the past week. I
finally get some assistance or at least I thought so I jump through hoops to make sure the game and my network
is compatible and he comes back and tells me I have an IP restriction
You: How is it even possible that I have an IP{ restriction when the last time i played the game was in a
complete different area, literally miles away
You: I have multiple friends who have recently purchased the game after the announcement of D4 and NONE of
them are able to log in to battlenet either… Is that saying they ALSO are IP banned before playing the game?
Ankunine: The system is automated, generally VPNs or business networks can trigger that.
You: Well I am on a Private home network, NO VPN, no public network, no business network, its my desktop
gaming PC which is literally never moving
You: So automated system that banned multiple players BEFORE PLAYING THE GAME?
You: does that not sound scuffed to you?
Ankunine: it will apply the lock when players try to access Classic battlenet.
You: Okay… so what are we going to do about this?
You: Since I sent in ALL my information in, you can clearly see that there isn’t a VPN or any other issue
Ankunine: The lock shows that it will be lifted on the 21st. We do not have an option to lift it before then.
You: So a failing system which automatically bans players, actually doesn’t just ban them it IP bans them from
playing, is happening to people PRIOR to even playing the game, AUTOMATICALLY and there is NO possible
way to resolve the issue, OR remove the IP BAN which WAS PUT ON THE ACCOUNT FOR NO REASON
WHAT SO EVER… I truly don’t understand, I AM NOT the only person this is happening to, the forums are
LOADED with others who are having the same Battlenet issues THE DAY THEY BUY THE GAME. THIS IS
Ankunine: I wish we had more options here. The Battlenet system is 20 years old we don’t have many tools for
it aside from being able to look into things.
You: Is that why people can post a ticket and never get responded to? because you are ill-equipped to do
anything about it? I truly don’t see how a multi-billion dollar company can be this foolish about a product.
falsely advertise it on its webpage, offer literally zero assitance in any issues a long time customer is having I
just can’t even wrap my head around it
Ankunine: I do understand the frustrating. I wish we had more we could do here, but it is considerably old
technology that at this point is just maintained. The security measures are very different from our current
battlenet platform. Currently there’s no public announcements on changing it.
You: i truly feel as if the software was designed to auto ban every player as they attempted to log in, players
attempt to get assistance on battlenet and cant and do what? there is nothing we can do about it at all
Ankunine: I’ve been able to log in and play with no issue. There’s several thousand players logged into Diablo II
and other games on the Battlenet platform. So that is not the case.
You: and several thousands im sure unable to because of this bogus issue, have you looked at the forums? the
last 2 days like 10 posts about the exact issue
You: and yeah all of those people and those who responded to it are also who knows on VPNs or whatever its
just the most bogus thing I’ve ever heard, just because its a small player base it gets literal 0 help
Ankunine: most games do not get support when they are that old. I wish we had more options available to us, but
we can only look into this to see what happened.
Ankunine: Is there any other questions or other things you needed to talk about?
You: So heres my issue now that you arent going to do anything about this problem. Lets skip ahead into the
future, 11/21 the ban is lifted… I try to log in AS I DID BEFORE… I what get AUTO BANNED AGAIN?
You: If we can figure out WHY this happened, then lets figure out WHY I was auto banned for downloading a
game off of the battlenet and trying to log in over a home network
Ankunine: On our end it is showing due to the ISP, but it specifically called out something about a China ISP on
the error message.
You: Spectrum is my ISP and China is on the other side of the globe this is almost laughable its so bad
You: You obviously didn’t want to help me from the start, its obvious in your responses. So i appreciate your
time I guess I’ll have to move to China to play
Ankunine: I wish had had another option here. Please take care. Feel free to close chat when you’re ready.
You: id like to do your survey
Ankunine: You’re free to make the issue as resolved and it will send you one.
You: If I said it was resolved I’d be lying to you and me
Ankunine: In terms of it being resolved, the resolution is that we would have to wait out the lock time. I
understand it’s not the resolution you are seeking, but that is our resolution to this situation.
Ankunine: I do need to head off to the next player. Please take care.