Diablo 1 Multiplayer not working

I’m not Bliz. So, unfortunately, I don’t know what their plan is.

As for “ghetto” workarounds, they are anything but. The graphics and crashing issues can be solved by downloading and placing a few files in the games’ folders. And D1’s multiplayer gateway issue can be solved by making a change to the system registry. After that, everything works essentially flawlessly.

Hopefully Bliz plans to incorporate those fixes, but the games are ancient. Who knows what their plans are at this point.

Right, but having to do workarounds on a game they made available for PURCHASE is kinda ridiculous. The games are ancient yes, but that shouldn’t be an excuse for them not working as their intended. Why would they release something, again for purchase, if the buyer has to literally work in the reg editor and move files around in order for it to work properly. I’m not attacking you I’m just sick of blizzard doing half a*s stuff all the time.

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It’s their right to sell their old products as is, to put it out there for people to do what they want with it. Those who don’t want to do anything with it, don’t buy it.

“Folks, here it is. Take it or leave it.”

A lot of the discussion around this is moot anyway. The same three games are available for the same price from GoG, a company that was tasked by Bliz to update them for modern systems.

This worked fine for me.
But I was facing an issue that I couldn’t play in the Battle.net, just chat.
I routed the ports 6112-6119 TCP/UDP correctly, but it still wasn’t working for me.
Then I called my ISP and requested them to remove my connection from the IPV4 NAT / CGNAT. They asked me to wait 5 minutes, my connection dropped and came back a minute after.

After doing this step I could play normally.

Of course it’s their right to sell a product “as is”, but they’re a multi BILLION dollar company who is blatantly exploiting their consumer’s nostalgia by half assing a re-release to make a quick buck. No ones denying that, but it’s an incredibly shi**y and scumbag thing to do, even for Blizzard.

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You believe that allowing something that’s old and depreciated to be available as is for those who would find nostalgic value in it, instead of discontinuing it outright, is a scumbag thing to do? Well, Ebotdz, to each their own, I guess.

All the discussion that’s been going on about this is moot anyway. If people want updated versions of the classic games, then they can buy them from GoG, which is the studio that Bliz hired to update the games.

the total diablo 1 games is a total rip off ,d1 only works but not from inside the launcher and hellfire just dont start and if it starts it stops working after a couple minutes .gog got both games working but ofc blizzard was to lazy to get things working and only grabbed the money once again

It seems like there might be a compatibility issue between your game and the Blizzard Updater. Try reinstalling the game or contacting Blizzard support for assistance.

Hold on, Blizzard / Battle.net sells us a re-released game and the expects us to jump through hoops to get it to work? Absurd; I bought this game for myself and 2 friends and am severely disappointed. It’s pretty sad that a diehard group of follower’s can get this to work on their own but the creators can’t. I requested refunds and fully expect a tough time getting any $$ back

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Not quite. The games are not “rereleased”. They are the exact same games that were previously downloadable from the website. They’ve only been recently moved to the launcher. In addition, there’s been no announcements of updates or remasters, etc, meaning they are simply made avaialble “as is”.

As explained, it has nothing to do with Bliz not being able to make it work on modern systems.

Many, including myself, have sucessfully refunded the games. Just be sure to do so within the refund window.

If you want updated copies, I recommend buying them from GoG.com instead.

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