I tried logging into a Seasonal Realm character after this recent patch they made today, and it works fine. However, every time I want to log into an Eternal Realm character after this patch, the game acts all weird and won’t load me in. I sat there for almost 25 minutes in just one queue and I still couldn’t get in it. I backed out and clicked a seasonal character again, and it all of a sudden works again. Any reason why the patch affected this? Also want to know if anyone else is having this issue.
It’s ridiculous I keep getting disconnected, I’ll get stuck on random rocks or icicles on my way to a boss, and not to mention they nerfed the boss damage of the scoundrels kiss so my favorite rogue build is useless in the pit unless I’m staggering a boss. I’m so sick of blizzard paying more attention to the money they make of these terrible cosmetics instead of fixing the bugs they create with every patch. Tbh the cosmetics in Diablo 3 were way better looking and the rendering on them was freaking terrible!! Idk maybe it’s just me but I don’t like looking like I’m character off of game of thrones. The heavenly armor in Diablo 3 was wayyy better looking. The best cosmetic they have is the barb heart of sin cosmetic and everyone has it!! I want to be unique! I want to have a build that I create that doesn’t have to be the same as every tom dick and Jerry out there!
I loved Diablo 4 season 1-3 but season 4 was a wrecking ball of disappointment
I should mention I’m on seasonal realm… Am I the only one noticing these things?
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