I am sorry that we are failing in our communication with this passionate community and have been unable to provide the level of support you deserve. Resourcing is a constant battle, but is no excuse for our absence on these forums or the stability issues and bugs you are dealing with on the API.
We will try to do better!
We are currently tracking a few major issues:
Classic and Classic Era Auction House data missing or not properly publishing
This has been surfaced but may take some time to resolve. Will update once we have a clear ETA.
Liberation of Undermine LFR kills not tracking
This is being tracked.
Some Hero Talent Loadouts are showing the wrong or duplicate spells
This is being tracked.
Some Tooltip Item/Spell flavor text is truncated or improperly transformed
This should have been fixed with a recent hotfix.
Thanks for the update! Are you aware that the reputations returned by the API are incomplete for many characters at the moment? This issue is also present in the Armory, for example:
This character is missing the Gallagio Rewards Loyalty Club reputation as well as most other War Within reputations (both in the Armory and the API). I estimate that around half of the characters that I check have this problem.
For the love of god can we please have an API that helps decode the bonus_lists and modifiers values from the auction house api? This determines all the stats on gear and is nowhere to be found in the API.
The data in this format is absolutely ridiculous and it takes the community enormous amounts of effort to decode this stuff:
Yes please that would be amazing if something like this could come directly from blizzard instead of 3rd party sources.
It would be even better if instead of these lists the api actually had the stats of the items on there directly like we have in the in game auction house.